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So, enjoy the revised version of Agent Romanoff. Hope you like it!

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( prologue. ) 

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Natasha isn't exactly the most patient person in the world but she clearly knew the importance of time.

Okay, that was a lie. Actually, she's not the kind to hold in a long amount of patience. She's not particularly fond of waiting because waiting means wasting.

And that being said—she knew better than to wait for their Captain to meet her in the gym when he was already ten minutes late. She very well knew for a fact that Steve Rogers isn't the type of person who would be late for something. Much less for a sparring session.

She just wasted ten minutes of her life waiting in a stinky gym which reeked a lot by the way, and that was probably the longest time of her patience used up. Yeah, because Steve is just that special to her.

As a teammate, of course. Not anything more.

Not that she wanted anything more than—

"Who do you want me to be?"

"How about a friend?"

She snorted at that. Recently, the spy finds herself having odd feelings for the certain soldier. It had been a year since what happened with SHIELD. And ever since D.C., they hadn't got the chance to contact one another since both of them were busy doing their own business; she needed time to try and figure out how to clear her name after her past is thrown out there in the world together with SHIELD's files while Steve went on to search for Bucky. She was glad that the government finally stopped nagging on her back and (with great reluctance) decided to leave her alone.

And to think that this all wouldn't happen if she wasn't even assigned to be partnered up with Steve Rogers in the first place. She didn't know what Fury was thinking when she had been debriefed that Captain America is going to be her new partner after Clint decided to lay low for a while.

Truth be told, it took a while before she had finally agreed to this arrangement. Since nothing about Steve Rogers could be adaptable enough to be classified as a spy while she was the exact opposite—she knew this was never going to work out. But she was left with no other choice.

To her dismay and utter surprise, things actually went better than she expected. Of course they had a rocky start, a couple of harsh words and banters were thrown at one another. Steve was actually patient enough to deal with her constant rudeness, stubbornness, and refusal to make amends meet involving their working relationship. Natasha always shuts him out and she could see how much it hurt him (he was terrible at lying). She knew it was unfair to him, being him the one who actually didn't know where to find his footing, and she wasn't doing a very good job of making sure Steve Rogers learns to adapt the modern way of life.

Yeah, she sucked big time.

But, somehow, ironically enough, despite Natasha's annoyance and wariness towards him at first, he ended up being one of the people she really cares about in the end. It meant a lot to her just as it did to Steve.

The soldier and the spy, the most messed up duo you could ever match up, actually ends up trusting one another. It sounds really strange when you think about it. But it happened. And now, she's starting to wonder if she made the right choice of letting down her walls for him. Especially now that she's starting to feel these strange feelings ever since she came back and saw him.

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