Chapter XIX- Returning A Favour

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Chapter XIX- Returning A Favour

(Y/n)'s POV

"Yay!" the non-existent children cheer as a 6am bell. I slowly got up from the chair and started walking down the west hallway. There's no harm in changing style, right? At the end of the hallway, I was greeted with the purple curtains of Foxy's little hideout. The animatronic itself was quite odd, being separated from the other 3. And yet, he is still able to make the kids laugh and be happy.

I moved aside from the Pirate's Cove, and went to check on the other three. My body stood still once I reached the destination of my choice. Bonnie was there, along with Freddy. Totally unharmed, and normal. "Where were you, then?" I asked myself out loud.

After a moment, I decided to leave the pizzeria, completely forgetting to get my paycheck from the boss. Oh, right. I'm so forgetful. I returned to sit on one of the chairs in the dining area, and waited for him to arrive. Everything was quite peaceful. No children, no talkative people on the phone, and no annoying electric fan. I swear, I am going to be troubled if I were to have children.

Boss arrived, soon enough, and greeted me. "Hello there, (y/n)! Want your paycheck?" I simply nodded and followed him to his poster-filled office. He dug around in the drawers of his desk, which contained a massive amount of papers, to find my payheck. How is this man running business if he can't even arrange his own drawers? "Ah, here we go, (y/n). Your paycheck for 2 extra nights overtime."

I reached out and grabbed my paycheck from his gloves hand. "Thank you, sir. I'll be going now," I politely said. His face transformed into a really puzzled one. "Aren't you going to quit or something?" he asked in a confused tone. My eyes widened at his question. I would never leave Bonnie alone. "I won't quit. I formulated a strategy so they won't get me," I lied. Lying was quite the talent of mine, which makes this situation a lot easier for me. "Ok, then. Are you sure?" he asks still unsure if he's correct with what he heard. "Yep," I said while popping the 'p'.

The loud squeaks of my (f/c) converses against the slightly polished cement of the road brought me to the pizzeria's parking area. Unfortunately, the bike racks were found near the back, which means a longer walking distance. Usually, I wouldn't mind walking a bit farther than what I'm supposed to be, but being tired and full of anxiety makes the situation a whole lot different.

I carefully rode down the slightly smooth asphalt road. The few cars passing by leave strong blows of wind against my face, and also leave a trail of white smoke behind them. The world has evolved so fast. And yet, it still has really old animatronic characters for entertainment. A chuckle escaped my mouth as I thought of that thought. My race still has a lot to learn.

At home, as usual, the quietness of the morning took over. The other four "family members" were out and about, while I get to rest in peace without hearing the loud quarrels of Luka and Kaito. My bike was put away in the garage, and I was found taking a soothing shower. I used cold water instead of hot, due to the scorching heat that was already out at 6:24am. Today seems to be quite unusual. The thought was shrugged off when hopped out of the shower, fully dressed in some green candy-designed pajamas.

My body was satisfyingly laying on the bed as I felt the darkness take over me through a miraculous dreamless sleep. This is the kind of dream I have missed throughout this entire week.


I woke up at around 8:31 to eat some homemade breakfast, and not the breakfast that's from McDonald's. They still weren't home, which means I can cook up some pancakes. I grabbed my ready-to-cook pancake mix from the refrigerator and started to heat up a pan. Once the pan was hot enough, I squeezed the plastic ketchup bottle I used as a container to pour slowly pour the pancake mix on the pan.

After a few seconds, the pancakes were starting to turn brown as a signal that it's time to flip it upside down. The spatula flipped all four pancakes to reveal a perfect shade of brown 'painted' on the side. Making and eating pancakes are the only things that distract me from my current problems. Like Bonnie's safety.

The pancakes were now served on a plate with some (fave topping) on it. As I normally would, I ate them faster than lightning and immediately went to clean the utensils I used. After all of that was done, I decided to go back to sleep. Since I woke up quite 'early' than my usual standards.


I woke up to my phone ringing. My hand grabbed my phone as my thumb tapped the imaginary answer button. "Hello," I greeted. No response. I checked the display on my phone and saw it was just another alarm I programmed. An embarrassed chuckle escaped my mouth as I dismissed the alarm. Luckily no one was here to see that.

I hopped off my comfy bed and went to space out near the window. It was so quiet and peaceful, how can I resist? I have to get Bonnie back, but not get killed by one of the others. Help is going to be needed, but that bitch of a friend wouldn't even want to be around me. That stupid deal, why can't she just forget about it?

Loud yells brought me out of my field of thought and back into the real world. "Why'd you do it, Kaito?!" Luka yelled. "It wasn't my fault! I didn't even touch your stupid phone," Kaito yelled back. Their loud and annoying quarrel continued on for 13 minutes, until I heard the voice of Anhjelline, also known as mom. Finally, it's finished.

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