Chapter XXI- I Only Live Once

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Chapter XXI- I Only Live Once

(Y/n)'s POV

Night 9, I don't think I'll survive. My light footsteps were bringing me to my headquarters in this building. The chime of the music box ringed around my ears, and sent chill down my spine. It isn't even 12 am! I immediately went to grab the the tablet and check on the kitchen's footage. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth when I saw that the music box was still fully wound up.

A thought of Stella entered my mind. I haven't had any contact with her yesterday. She's just probably keeping away with that stupid promise. I couldn't help it, but I started hating her. She has always been here, but when I need her most now, a stupid promise gets in the way. Bonnie was probably just kidding!

The 12am chime filled the pizzeria. Let's do this. My finger tapped the wind music box icon, and wound it up a few ticks. I put the monitor down and checked the right door light for Chica and found out that she wasn't there. Pirate's cove hardly gets checked, due to the fact that I'm so distracted with the other things I have to do. Foxy never comes out anyway, thanks to the music box, I'll always have to open up the camera.

Everything seemed to be quite easy, that was until I heard Freddy's laugh exactly outside my office. As an instinct, I shut the right metal door right before checking the east hall corner camera. "He's right there!" I yelled loudly. My words were speaking everything out of mind. Freddy was outside my door staring at me with black eyes, while he drained a massive amount power.

10 minutes later, he's still standing outside, leaving me with only 17% percent power. It's only 1 am for fuck's sake. There was only one way to survive this, run and find Bonnie. He's probably just in the animatronic rooms! At 10%, I decided to risk it. My feet brought the rest of my body and ran away from the possible dangers.

I was at the dining area when I saw Foxy running to chase me. He wasn't supposed to be here. Swift movements were my technique in escaping this agile Fox, knowing that he is the second most dangerous after Freddy.

This night seemed to last longer than the others. Usually, I would just sit still in an office, monitor cameras, on lights, and close doors. But this night, I actually ran away out of fear. The word itself has two meanings: Forget Everything And Run, or Face Everything And Rise. Due to pressure, I was forced to choose the first option with a twist. Even if I risked my life to get away, I have to get Bonnie, wherever he is.

Animatronic!Bonnie's POV

Once the pizzeria had closed, Freddy and Chica did the exact same thing to me as yesterday. They restrained me, made me turn human, and knocked me out with another metal punch. Wake up in Freddy's room, torso and legs restrained, and mouth covered. How long can I last until my human body will give up?

A few seconds later, Foxy and Freddy went in. "Ello, Bonnie," greeted the red-haired male. Freddy had his dangerous smirk on, while he twirled his scalpel. I used my magenta eyes to glare at the two dangerous 'co-workers' that I was with. The British one let out a chuckle before edging closer to me. "Why don't we finish your makeover for your girlfriend? I'm sure she'll be in quite a shock," he teased. Foxy grabbed both of my arms as the blade worsened the torn apart skin of my right cheek.

Pain was all I could feel, once again. Blood was all I could taste. My main torturer's psychopathic grin widened ear to ear while my mouth was started to get extended further than it's limit by a tool useful for something else. Unluckily, I'm originally an animatronic, I can't pass out from blood loss. The pain of being a real animatronic is being a real burden right now. I wish to be in animatronic form, but the all my restrains are preventing me.

The muscles in my face, specifically my cheeks, are slowly wearing out. I can't make any other expression rather than a blank one. If I were to make a smile, it would be much more painful than what I'm already feeling. It would a take awhile before (y/n) could see another smile of mine.

Freddy reached the end of my cheek before pulling away the scalpel. "Take your turn, Foxy. I'll be messing around with the night guard, eating up all of her power," the scalpel's owner threw his tool at the pirate and left the scene. The redhead let go of my numb arms and caught the dangerous tool. "Who needs tis'?" he asked before throwing down the object. "Me hook 'ill do."

Your hook is unsterilized! Do you want me to get tetanus? The tip of the hook made it's contact with the deep cut Freddy left and extended it. It hurt more, due to the shape of the of his hook curving into my mouth. The cold feeling of his hook against the walls of my mouth mixed the weird feeling of blood on my tongue, making me wanna puke out my internal organs. The pain was worse, I don't know what else I'd do just to pass out right now. There's only one way I can pass out, a hard fist to the face.

Foxy stopped when he finally brought the cut up to the side of my eye. He pulled his bloody hook out of my face and turned his animatronic self. "Good bye, lad." With those last words, he rushed out running. The unpleasant noise of his slightly rusty endoskeleton running through the pizzeria. Stay safe, (y/n). I won't be able to save you this time. No matter how much I can wish....

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