Chapter XXXII- Going Back

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Chapter XXXII- Going Back

(Y/n)'s POV

"But that's impossible," said the tealette,"your brain can't make faces." Bonnie who was lying back on his bed while trying to cope with the numerous number of bandages on his face butt in hia theory. "Unless she was being manipulated, of course. I have a friend who always does that to me." I gave them a look of confusion. Manipulated? By who?

"Oh, really now? How does your friend know about my friend who died a possibly long time ago," she snapped back. This quarrel of theirs was starting to annoy me, so I decided to put an end to it. "Stop it. Bon, once we get out, call your friend. Stell, condolences." Those two finally calmed down, agreed, and thanked me.

Knock, knock, knock. "Is world war 3 finished?" asked the bear. A short chuckle escaped my mouth before the abbreviation "lol" did. This guy seems to hide his feelings well. But it's his trouble if he won't confess soon. "Whatever. I'll ask the nurses if you guys could go out now," said the now annoyed girl. The 9 footsteps that she took were the last thing that made a sound before the three of us in the room started laughing hysterically.

Once our fit had died down a bit, I decided to break our silence. "So...., where are Chica and Foxy?" The brown-suited one was the first one to respond to my question. "Probably making out in some corner of this place." My (e/c) eyes widened out of shock and a slight bit of being grossed out. "Just gross," commented the one in hospital pyjamas instead of a regular earth hospital dress.

Knock, knock. "I believe we heard our names being mentioned in this room," said a blond girl who was tapping her bright orange wedges on the tiled floors. "Clean your ears. You're just hearing things," joked the rabbit. The red-headed pirate's face was stricken with the expression of anger and irritation. "Ye' bett'er not be' pullin' any tricks!"

"Since the both of you arrived late at the party, I'm afraid that you missed out on a lot of things," informed Fazbear in a very fake and formal concerned tone. He then received a punch on the chest by Chica, which only sent him back feeling no pain at all. "Watch your mouth."

"No fighting in the hospital, please," said an unfamiliar voice. I turned to the door, along with the others, to see a figure that looks A LOT like a snake, but has a human-like body. It was wearing a white nurse's uniform while carrying a brown wooden checklist on her scaly hands. What the hell is that thing?! "These two patients can now be taken to their home planets. May I ask what your ride would be?"

Suddenly , an all familiar voice spoke up and answered all the questions. "Their home planet is Earth, Milky Way galaxy. I'll be taking them back there." Freddy took a few steps closer to Bonnie until he was right beside him. He nudged his elbow against my fellow patient's abdomen. "How am I to trust you?" asked the nurse. A smirk climbed the other girls face as she says these few words. "My father is Θ Σ."


I stared in awe at the box the was bigger on the inside. When I inspected it from the outside, it was only fit for one person, but when you get in, it becomes way bigger. "How in hell was this machine made?" I asked out loudly. "Time lord science, (y/n). Don't ask anymore questions," answered the person that I now know as an alien.

How the fuck? This thing is impossible to build! Is there any invisible walls outside surrounding this box?

"Hold tight to the railings, (y/n)," warned Bonnie. Soon, the ride became awfully bumpy, which caused me and the four other animatronics to be tumbling around. Occasional screams and grunts could be heard as the ride got slightly calmer. Later on, the whole thing had stopped and the doors flew open. We were back at the pizzeria in one piece, even if two of us were covered in bandages.

"Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. 2015. 5:16 am," announced the pilot, "approximately 30 minutes after we left." Precise much? I immediately rushed to the office to check the power on the tablet's footage. Both doors were wide open and the lights directing out were off. The fan and the main room light bulb was still on while the phone was left on hang. My hands went to grab the tablet off the desk and decided to read it's information.

Power left: 23%
Usage: |green|

I sighed as the weight of a brown out's worry was lifted off of my shoulders . I plopped down on my spinny chair while I began to drift off into contemplation. Seven nights in a horror reality-like job would make someone insane. How was I able to hold back while keeping a stable relationship at the same time. Maybe I am truly gifted because of this. Or is it just the saying, "A hot-tempered man stirs up dissension, but a patient man calms a quarrel." rubbing off on me?

Stella was able to work here because she's a robot. But I'm just a mere human, I can't do everything on my own.

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