Chapter XXVI- Regeneration

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Chapter XXVI- Regeneration

Human!Bonnie's POV

I stared at Foxy as he turned into his animatronic form. His hook became slightly larger when he did so. The bloody piece if metal met the side of my forehead and continued what the other had done earlier. I didn't notice at first, but a stray tear had fallen from my tear ducts. After all this pain, why do I only cry now? Oh, right. (Y/n) is bleeding to her death, while the other girl is being a useless prick.

Just then, I saw a bright glow of gold behind the three robots. My eyes squinted and saw Stella getting up on her feet, while she was staring at her hands, which were glowing gold. What?! She stares at me with a reassuring look before uttering a few words. "Duck, Bonnie!" Chica thought that Stella was calling her a duck, and went closer to her, while I followed her command. The other boys went towards the glowing girl as Chica went to grab her.

Stella's POV

This is the last resort. If they don't get reset after this, I'm so dead. The sonic wouldn't do them good anymore, therefore I'll have to burn them. I watched as my arms glowed bright with the energy. Regeneration energy was overflowing, and floating around me. In any second, they can change every single cell.

"Duck, Bonnie!" I warned the lilac haired boy. Chica's robotic figure immediately went to face me after right said the word 'duck'. I messed up big time. She went closer and tried to grab me, and, of course, failed. My weak body dodged her sudden moves, while, at the same time, willing to speed up the cycle. Right now, I felt my face starting to glow. It's started.

I screamed in great pain as every cell in time lady body died. Of course, I'm keeping the same face. My body formed a star form while all the energy rapidly flowed out like my arms and face were sparklers. The three other were slowly backing from my fiery form. My arms aimed for the three and set to burn their unwanted system programs. You better get fixed this way. I fell to the ground, all the energy going out. Freddy, Chica, and Foxy also fell and turned human.

Animatronic!Golden Freddy's POV

The three so called "evil" animatronics got up from their positions. Their hands clutched their heads, as if they got smacked upside the head just like before. My eyes went to scan the weak tealette closely. She's slightly fainted from the change, but she'll be fine.

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