22 | favourite students.

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The one and only downside to staying at Scarlett's from Friday night through to Monday morning is the fact that my school is further away. What's typically a ten minute walk down the street is a half hour drive, meaning I have to wake up half an hour earlier.

"Can we please stop for coffee? There's a Dunkin' just around the corner from here," I almost beg Scarlett as I rest my heavy head against the cold window. Once again, it's pouring down rain and no more than fifty degrees outside.

"You sure you want another coffee? It's not going to make you restless in class?"

"Considering the fact I slept for four hours last night, I think I'm more worried about staying awake," I admit, chuckling lightly.

Scarlett agreed that it was a fair call and not only stopped for coffee but also went through McDonalds for a couple of hash browns, and after having my caffeine boost and a little bit more food, I finally began to feel more alive and less like a walking zombie.

Of course our detour made me run a little late for school, but knowing I have art for first period and Miss Pike is always late herself, I wasn't that stressed.

I took my seat next to the quiet girl at the back just as my favourite teacher makes her presence known. "Good morning my favourite students," she speaks in her typical chirpy manner.

"You say that to all your students," the 'troublemaker' of the class responds. He can't make it through one minute without annoy somebody which I why I always sit as far away as possible.

"Yet, I only mean it with you," Miss Pike finishes, placing her bag and large cup of coffee down on her desk.

After she goes through the roll call, I take out my sketchbook and pencils and get started on my work. Usually I'd put in my really cheap knockoff AirPods, but I left them at my foster home over the weekend so don't have them with me. Thank goodness art is easy for me, but I have physics after lunch so that will definitely be a challenge to do with a thousand distractions. It's an anxiety attack waiting to happen.

"Excuse me Miss Pike, this is Oliver Thompson. He's just transferred out of politics and into your class." The name makes me lift my head from my work and low and beyond, Oliver is standing awkwardly beside our principal.
"Nice to have you Oliver, there's a free space next to Miss Lowen at the back if you'd like to take a seat. I'll come fill you in on what we're doing soon."

Turning his head to the back of the classroom, Oliver's gaze meets mine as both our lips curl into a slight smile.

"You just can't get enough of me, can you?" I tease, keeping my voice quiet as he takes the seat next to me.

"Hello to you too," he remarks.

"Politics was too boring?" I ask, resting my chin in my right hand.
"Oh my god, I've never hated something so much. And the endless class debates? Awful."

"Yep," I agree, pursing my lips together. "I took it last year. Never again."

He chuckles, taking what looks like a brand new sketchbook out of his backpack. "How was your weekend?"

"It's was good. I get to spend a few nights a week with Scarlett now which makes me really happy," I admit honestly. "How about yours?"

"Good. My parents are taking my sisters away and spending this coming weekend at my grandparents in Rhode Island so I'll have the house to myself," he explains, seemingly looking forward to having space to himself. His sisters, Bella and Pressley are eleven year old twins and apparently very full on.

"You're not going with them?" I query.

"Nope. I have football practice Saturday morning which I don't really want to miss so they're letting me stay home."

I acknowledge him with a nod. "So, what are you planning on doing? Are you going to throw a party?"

"As a matter of fact, I am going to catch up on homework and watch re-runs of 'Modern Family'," he states proudly.

"What? That's so boring!" I whisper-yell, a disappointed look on my face. "You should throw a party. I'd throw a party."

"I know you would, but I'd never see the light of day again if I threw a party whilst my parents were away," he chuckles as Miss Pike makes her way over to give him some guidance on what the class has been doing the last few weeks.

This prompts me to resume my own work for the next several minutes until Miss Pike makes her way back to her desk and Oliver starts speaking again.

Typically I'm not one to talk in art class. Primarily because I've been so focused on getting a portfolio done for Art School, but also due to the fact that it was one of my only classes without Marty, or a couple of other people I get along with well enough to hold a conversation for a few minutes or so.

But now that I'm not only not applying to Art School, but also have Oliver in class with me, I'm a little less strict about the set of rules I hold for myself.

"You can always come over if you want," he offers, leaning closer to me.

"I might just take you up on that offer," I answer with a soft smirk.

The next forty minutes go by fairly quickly and as we all started filing out of the room, Miss Pike asked me to stay behind.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, standing in front of her desk with my hands clutched tightly onto the straps of the backpack hanging off my right shoulder.

"No. Well, not apart from talking non-stop in class today," she says with a small giggle. "I just wanted to let you know that I found an Art School that I really think would suit you since we've talked about you applying, but it's in all the way in Manhattan so—"

"Oh. Thank you, but I'm uh...I'm not going to apply anymore," I inform her.

"What? Mind my language, but that's bullshit. You've been talking about this to me for over a year," she says, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest. "Why don't you want to apply?"

I shrug in response. Miss Pike has been nothing but supportive of my art since I had her my first class of freshman year, so I understand that it's probably taken her a little by surprise, but her reaction has caught me off guard.

"Has it got to do with your recent circumstances?" She questions, her tone suddenly softening.

I shrug. "It's just, I lost three quarters of the work I was going to put into my portfolio and I'm never going to get it done in time and truthfully, I'm not really in the headspace to focus on it."

She acknowledges me with a nod. "How about this," she proposes, "I can email the schools you want to apply to on your behalf and explain your situation, and ask if they can possibly extend the deadline for you. In the meantime, you do what you can and if you're not done in set time frame, then you can always apply for your senior year, but I don't want you to throw in the towel completely, Kenzie. You're extremely talented and in my opinion, any school would be lucky to have you."

I ponder for a moment. I know that despite the place I'm in right now, it's something I've been wanting to do since I was ten which is why I take on her offer.

"Yes please. Thank you," I speak with a slight smile.

"Alright then. Good," she nods, seemingly satisfied with my answer.

I feel like this chapter was kinda boring so here's a some pie to make up for it 🥧

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