33 | swear on my life.

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Lifting her head from my neck, Kenzie turns to Florence. "What do I tell her? She thinks I'm high," she not so quietly whispers.

"Are you?" My friend questions, eyebrows drawn together and a martini in her hand.

"Maybe, but that's beside the point. What do I tell her?" She repeats her question, consequently confirming my suspicions as I tap her on the shoulder and help her to her feet.

"We need to talk," I decide before turning my attention to Florence, "I'll be back down soon."

"I don't want to talk though, Lottie. I just wanted a cuddle," Kenzie whines as I pull her through the house and upstairs to her bedroom.

"Too bad," I sigh, closing the door behind us as she sits on the edge of her bed.

"So, you were out of my sight for no more than fifteen minutes and decided to get high? What are you doing to yourself," I start, taking a deep breath as I stand in front of her, arms crossed over my chest.

She shrugs, "Giving myself a break from my stupid head, silly. Can we be done now?"

"Absolutely not. Where are the drugs, Kenz?" I question, a harshness coming through in my tone.

"Uh, I don't have any left," she tells me, a tight-lipped smile resting on her lips as she stands up and attempts to push past me. I quickly manage to stop her by getting a firm grasp on the top of her arm.

"Bullshit. I'm not playing games, Kenzie. Tell me where they are."

"Let go of me," she winces, ripping my hand off of her, "I already gave you an answer. I don't care if you don't believe me."

Before I even get another word in, Kenzie is out the room and walking down the hall to the staircase.
I take a deep breath before quickly following behind, not taking very long to catch up as I find her trying to climb onto the banister.

"What do you think you're doing?" I ask, grabbing her by the waist to stop her from hurting herself.
"I want to slide down. It'll be fun," she decides, pouting as I turn her around to face me.

"You know what won't be fun? Spending your New Year's Eve in the hospital. You can get downstairs like a normal person," I tell her, "and don't think our conversation is over. I'm not finished talking to you."

"Oh well, I'm finished listening," she giggles.

Nothing she's said in the last few minutes has been said in a malicious or grating tone, and I'm careful to not take anything she says seriously whilst she's in this state, but she's still doing my head in.

Granted this is only her second time getting high, it's still the second time in less than a week and with something as addictive as what she's been taking, as then with the all the alcohol she's consumed or tried to consume on top of that I'm seriously getting concerned about her well-being.

"Don't you even think about it," I warn, watching her run into the kitchen and take a bottle of wine off the shelf.

She giggles cheekily, purposely ignoring my words as she quickly walks out the other entrance. Not two seconds later the sound of the bottle smashing echos through the house and I walk into my living room to see she's dropped it all over my white rug, and splashed it over my couch, her clothes and Florence's dress who happens to me standing across from her.

"I'm so sorry!" Kenzie speaks, eyes blown wide as she looks between Florence and I.

"It's alright, Kenzie. It was an accident," my friend speaks as I walk back into the kitchen to grab a broom so I'm able to clean up the glass.

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