35 | stupid and reckless.

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I spent my last week and a half of winter break earning some extra cash by working with Scarlett. That was after I worked for free to pay off the cost of her rug, of course.

Sam and Ryan would typically have me on the weekdays but they both work for companies that would definitely frown upon a non-consensus 'bring your kid to work day', and due to the fact that I broke the trust of all three of them one too many times, I was not allowed to be home alone so working with Scarlett was about my only choice.

I probably did her head in at first with all my complaining, but after some time I actually began to enjoy it.
I picked up the ropes of the office and started to get to know her colleagues and co-owner a little better and once I got a grip on what was going on, things started to look up.

My breaks and afternoons were spent studying for my exams, which now being the second week back at school, are starting tomorrow.
Psychology is my first one, and as it's one of my hardest subjects I decided I'd go to Grindhouse to study for a few hours.

"I might come in and get a coffee to-go," Oliver declares after pulling into a parking space across the street.
He generously offered to drop me off after school this afternoon which of course I couldn't decline if it meant I didn't have to spend an hour on the subway.

"Okay," I reply, unbuckling my seatbelt before stepping out the car and pulling my backpack over my right shoulder.
I wait for him to walk around the front of the car before we cross the busy and incredibly noisy street together.

Regardless of the fact that Oliver told me how he felt about me on New Year's, nothing has particularly changed between the two of us.
I was upfront and honest in saying that until I'm in a much better place mentally I don't want to commit to a relationship, especially one I'm not entirely sure I would want to be in.

I left out that last part though.

After our discussion, we came to the agreement that we would stop sleeping together. That way neither of us got hurt since a relationship isn't in the cards for what could be several months—or maybe ever—and we could just go on as friends for the time being.

That only lasted four days.
So, we're back to what we were and have been for the last eight weeks.

"This is the place you come to with Scarlett, right?" He queries, pushing through the squeaky glass door and holding it open for me.

"Yep. I've been coming here for over a year though. I'm close with one of the waitresses. She's really nice and her family owns the place," I inform him, stepping inside the atmospheric café.

It's slightly busier than it has been the last few times I've been here at this time of day, but I don't particularly mind. I tend to like people watching when I need a break from studying for a few minutes.

"Thank you for dropping me off," I send him a small smile before Gracie steals my attention as she walks out the staff room, tying her hair up in a low messy bun as her apron hangs loosely around her neck and waist.

"No problem, Kenz," his voice draws me back, "what do you want to drink? I'll order for you whilst I'm up there."

"Oh, you don't have to do that. I'm not even sure I'll get anything. I might just study," I explain, grasping firmly onto the strap of my backpack.

"Are you sure?"

"Positive, but thank you anyway," I speak before gesturing my head over to my favourite table, "I'm gonna go get a start on it."

"Alright, good luck," he half-heartedly giggles.

"Thanks," I return the giggle, making my way over to the same table along the front window I find myself in every single time I'm here.

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