Chapter 5: Surprise

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A/N: According to Wikipedia, Season 3 takes place 3 years after Season 2. So by my calculations, Fred Miller should be getting close to at least 5 years old.


"You're not going to believe what happened this morning!" Miller exclaimed as she walked into Hardy's office and set his cup of tea in front of him on his desk.

Hardy's left eyebrow raised, only slightly in irritation at his partner's good mood so early in the morning."I can't begin to guess, Miller. What has you so chipper this morning?"

"Well, I woke up in a rather good mood." She winked at him and he gave her a humored look as his eyebrow went up further.

He glanced towards the still open door, cleared his throat, and stood, walked over and gently closed it. "If you're going to go any further with that, I might need to close the door." He smirked at her, the closest to a real smile that Hardy usually got.

She rolled her eyes, "I'm not trying anything like that around here, thank you very much. I value my job too much."

"Speaking of— the Chief Super wants to meet with us this morning," Hardy stated, not looking up to make eye contact with her.

Miller's eyes grew wide. "But— you didn't tell her what happened last night, did you?"

Hardy scowled and glanced up at her. "No, Miller, I didn't. I would hope you know better than that."

Ellie's heart-rate started to calm back down."Oh, it was just the way you said it, after I mentioned—"

"Not what it's about, Miller. So, as you were saying. Something happened this morning. First, you woke up in a good mood...," Hardy tried to get her back on track. He hadn't intended to make her so nervous, but if she really knew what the meeting was about, she'd be just as shocked.

Ellie managed to get back on her train of thought. "So, yes, already in a good mood—then, while we were eating breakfast, Dad announces to us that he's found himself a flat! He's moving out!"

"Really?" Alec was genuinely surprised, and curious as to what this would mean for the Miller's. "How'd you feel about that?"

"Well, on the one hand, I'm relieved. I love my dad, but he can be a bit stifling at times. But on the other hand, he's been such a big help with the kids—"

Alec interrupted as the thought came to his mind, "Where's he going?"

"Staying in Broadchurch. That is good. He's offered to continue to help out, pick up the kids when I've got a pressing case, watch the kids occasionally. But I do imagine I'll have to start hiring a babysitter more often. I'm not quite ready yet to trust Tom on his own with Fred. Chloe has offered to help before, do you think Daisy might be interested too?"

"I'd have to ask, but I imagine she might be." Alec sat back in his chair and took a sip of his tea. "She enjoys being around kids, and she knows Tom from school, though he's a few years younger than her and Chloe."

"Oh, that reminds me. Fred wanted me to be sure to ask you. We're celebrating his fifth birthday this weekend. Just the Latimer's, Dad, and us—down at the beach for a picnic and some fun. He'd love for 'his Alec' to be there, and Daisy can finally meet the boys." She grinned when she used the name Fred had for her partner.

Alec did genuinely smile then. He certainly had grown a special place in his heart for the Miller boys, especially wee Fred. "I'm sure that can be arranged. Far be it from me to let down wee Fred."

"Great." Miller grinned.

She was interrupted from saying more by the phone on Hardy's desk ringing. He picked up the phone quickly. "Hardy." There was a pause while he listened to the person on the other side. "Yes, we'll be right there." He hung up the phone and looked at Miller. "C'mon Miller, the Chief Super awaits."

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