(A/G-F) Kokushibo's near-death experience

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Finally! Something thats not smut! Just kidding, ask for as much smut you want, anyway. I hope you enjoy!


Kokushibo regenerated his sword once again. 500 years and this was the hardest fight he had even been in. He probably wouldn't survive.

9 slayers. 4 hashira and 5 high-rankers. Most wouldn't survive till the next moon, but nor would he. Stupid wisteria!

"You fall tonight, upper one" One of the slayers shouted.

Kokushibo growled. Taking a battle stance despite the feeling of poison coursing through his veins. "Then I'm taking every one of you bastards with me" If the slayers didn't manage to cut his head, then the poison would get him. He didn't have the cure on him, and if they did manage to get his head, he couldn't possibly regenerate with so much weakness flooding over him. His blade sat moons and sparks, deflecting the attacks that there rapidly tearing his kimono top.

His body wanted to use its full form, but he couldn't muster up the strength to activate it. The monstrous form of him lying dormant in his body, probably never going to see the moonlight ever. He was not going to just accept his defeat; he would fight and claw his way until every slayer here was killed. It was obvious he was also going to perish.

Kokushibo felt the strongest of them all, a flaming red-haired hashira held a stance with their blades pushing against each other. Then, he heard a swish from behind, looking to see one of the other hashira aiming for his neck. He tried to pull away, but one of the other slayers had stabbed their sword through his foot, enabling him from twisting to avoid the attack.

This is it.

I'm going to die.

Master... I'm sorry for my weakness.

The world seemed to slow down as the blade started to slice through his neck like butter.

He heard one of the other slayers scream 'Watch out', a distant sound he could barely hear.

Wait. Watch out?! What were the watching out for?! They had him on the brink of death why would they-

There was a shing and snap and the slayer trying to behead him was against a tree, easily 16ft up, fastened to the trunk by a thing blade of ice. Dead.

No way...

A swish of silk clothes and a familiar flash of platinum gave away his colleague's position. Kokushibo couldn't help but smile at the convenient appearance of uppermoon 2. He quickly took control over the red haired hashira, stabbing him before twisting his blade, cutting into his organs, and pulling a few out, leaving his bleeding body to fall to the floor.

Meanwhile, Douma had taken down multiple of the minor slayers, laughing his stupidly comforting, psychotic laugh.

Within a few more minutes, the slayers had all been wiped out, mutilated and annihilated, with barely a scratch on Douma.

The infamous blonde turned to face Kokushibo, still grinning. "You're needing this I presume?" He said, throwing a small pack, which Kokushibo quickly caught, opening it to see another batch of antibiotics to treat his poisoning.

"Thank you, Douma. Your help was much appreciated today." Kokushibo said quietly, injecting the antidote into his veins with an uncomfortable sigh.

Douma chuckled. "No problem Kokushibo-dono! I couldn't have you dying on me! That would be really disheartening! Come on, follow me, its sunrise soon, and you look like a mess, we can spend the day in my cult building!" Douma laughed again, taking off running through the trees, Kokushibo in close pursuit.


No later than the crack of dawn did they arrive inside the eternal paradise faith cult. Stumbling into Douma's room. Kokushibo was fully healed, but he was exhausted, and his appearance was a far stray from the usual neat and tidy uppermoon one. His hair was messed up, his kimono top was torn to shreds and he looked exhausted.

Douma chuckled, handing him a fresh kimono top. As he gratefully put it on, mumbling a small 'thank you' he also took the ribbon in his hair out- letting  the dark strands fall down his back, before laying down on Douma's bed and closing his eyes. "Why are you suddenly being so nice and helpful to me?"

Douma giggled. "Because then, I wouldn't get to do this" He la down next to Kokushibo, wrapping his arms around Kokushibo.

Kokushibo let a small smile crack his face, but he returned the hug before falling asleep with Douma in his arms.


Sorry if this wasn't really angst, it was kind of rushed, so i hope you liked it anyway!

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