(A-F) Trans Douma 1

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FINALLY GOT THIS DONE! It took a week, but we got there! Enjoy! Also, sorry this was short, I had no idea what I was going to do for this, and it was quite the challenge to write, so there won't be any part 2's on this one!


Douma usually wore a lot of layers. Undershirts, haoris, coats, anything he could get his hands on.

He used to tell people it was because of his icy cold blooded demon art. Most believed him.

But there was one person who just wouldn't let it go. The one person who loved him, and he loved back. But he couldn't be in a relationship with because of his stupid secret...

Douma snapped out of his thoughts as he heard Kokushibo calling his name.

"Douma! Don't ignore me. Tell me the truth, why do you wear this many layers? It simply cannot be just for your blood demon art. I refuse to belive you get cold that easily."

Douma dug his nails into his legs, making small holes in his pants with his nails.

"I- can't tell you... I'm afraid you won't love me anymore..."

Kokushibo gently placed a hand on Douma's cheek, a small smile on his face.

"Impossible." Kokushibo sounded so sincere when he spoke it made Douma want to cry in fear of breaking his heart. "Please, I can help you work through whatever this problem might be."

Douma felt small tears prick his eyes, he gently moved Kokushibo's hand from his face, sighing.

"Its better if I just show you.... Promise you won't tell anyone?"

Kokushibo nodded, as Douma slowly pulled off layer after layer of clothes from his top half. Kokushibo's eyes widened a bit when he realized what Douma was hiding.

Douma was female, no, he must be transgender- presenting as a male for his whole life.

"Douma... You- "

"I'm not a girl." Douma quickly said. "I'm Transgender... I-Am a boy..."

Kokushibo smiled a bit, putting his hands on Douma's shoulders.

"That's okay, Douma. I wouldn't love you any less for something like this. Don't be upset at your body for being this way."

Douma sniffled, holding back tears. "I love you..."

Douma ran into Kokushibo's arms, hugging him tightly.

"Douma... you're squishing me!" Kokushibo laughed and wrapped his arms around Douma.

Douma looked up at him, happiness sparkling in his rainbow eyes. "Too bad! Love hurts!"

Kokushibo laughed again, poking Douma's cheek. "That's a bit cringey."

"Yeah, well at least I didn't threaten Nakime to shape the fortress into a heart for Valentine's Day." Douma giggled at the memory, he could almost hear Kokushibo bossing Nakime around, making her reform their hideout into a heart, and Daki's confusion when she woke up upside down, it was almost like it was happening just then, in that very moment.

"Hey, that was one time, it wasn't my fault Nakime can't move her own fucking fortress!"

Douma giggled again, leaning his head just under Kokushibo's chin. "Does this mean I'm your boyfriend now?"

Kokushibo just nodded, hugging Douma tighter. "Yes, and if you ever try to break up with me Ill break your legs so you can never walk away."

Douma just laughed. "Good to know..."

IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK LIKE A WEEK, I had no motivation for this, but its better late than never I guess...

Writing this oneshot was the most traumatic experience of my life, I was sick, my food was to spicy, and my cat nearly took my damn eye out while chasing a piece of plastic. Then she tried to eat my fingers but who cares, she's a cat so that means she can do whatever she wants. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it!

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