(A-F) Trans Douma 2

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Sorry this took a while to make, i just got on holidays again, and i sort of forgot so enjoy!


Kokushibo patiently held his girlfriend's hand as she sobbed and wiped her face in front of him. He was worried, to say the least. what did she need to tell him that was making her so upset.

"Douma, please just tell  me, your making me worry"

Douma's hand went up to wipe her eyes again, tears making the skin around her eyes red and puffy. Kokushibo was getting more and more distressed watching her like this.

Douma held Kokushibo's hand tightly, the words she wanted to say stuck on her lips.

"I want to tell you... but... I'm worried you won't love me anymore..."

Kokushibo sighed, embracing his lover tightly, whispering to her. "That's a lie. That could never happen." Kokushibo sighed as he felt her relax in his embrace, hugging him back.

"Kokushibo... I.. Sometimes I feel like I was meant to be a man... like i was born in the wrong body... and that whenever I look at my body it doesn't feel right"

Kokushibo was putting the pieces together now. He understood what Douma was telling him. "I understand what your saying. So, you don't want to be a girl anymore?"

Douma shook her head, looking up at Kokushibo. "Well, not really... Its more like... I want to stop feeling like I'm in the wrong body, or like I'm living a lie."

Kokushibo nodded, he didn't really understand the things Douma was feeling, and he probably never would, but he did want to be helpful. "So, tell me, how does this work? Can you get surgery to change your body, should I call you by a different name? What about pronouns and all that? I'm sorry, I don't know much about it-"

Douma smiled a bit, grateful Kokushibo was doing his best to understand. "I don't think I'll get surgery yet... I want to take it slow... and I don't think I'll change my name... I think it sounds fine either way. Though it would be really nice if you could address me as a male from now on... if you want to"

Kokushibo smiled. He gently rubbed Douma's back, putting his head down on Douma's shoulder. "I can do that. If you want me to do something you can just ask me to." He chuckled a bit. "I won't complain about having a boyfriend instead of a girlfriend. Especially if he's absolutely perfect either way. "

Kokushibo laughed as he sensed Douma getting flustered. "Alright but seriously, Don't ever think that because you want to change how you look or present, that I will stop loving you. That would be the stupidest reason to fall out of love. Seriously, You think I'll stop being obsessed with you because your a guy? Your still the same person I have been in love with for... how long?"

Douma laughed and poked him. "10 years you goof! It really does feel like longer."

Kokushibo smiled> "Right, right. back to my noble speech-"

Douma playfully poked him again. "Save it for another time, I'm tired and I want to go to sleep next to you."

Kokushibo pulled back and picked Douma up, bridal-style. "Very well then, to bed it is."

Kokushibo couldn't help but feel warm as he watched Douma smile and hold onto him. He didn't care what anyone ever said. His boyfriend was perfect in every single way.


Hope you enjoyed, and I hope I did this right. I don't know what it's like to be or talk about being transgender so I hope i did a good job!

I also went back and like organised all of the titles for everything so yay, check the requests page for explanations

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