(F-S) Straight forward Douma

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Its been ages since I updated this, so um. Oops. Just a warning this will be straight forwards as fuck, so just be warned.

Also please add some description to your requests (if you can) it just helps me write easier with a prompt.


Douma was just laying across his not-boyfriends lap. Nothing more. Kokushibo was reading something about poetry and other boring stuff. And Douma was just laying.

He gently twisted the purple fabric of Kokushibo's kimono top in his hands, tracing the black patterns until he got bored. again. he was tempted to reach up and play with Kokushibo's spiky side bangs, but he could tell his not-boyfriend would be disrupted by such close attention to his face.

Is Douma going to do it anyway? Well of course. 

He wiggled and rolled onto his back, shuffling so he didn't fall off Kokushibo's thighs. He reached one of his arms up, his fingers brushing gently against Kokushibo's funny little flame-mark on his cheek before gently tugging on the dark, red-tipped strands of his hair, running his claws through them and twirling them around his fingers.

"Douma. What are you doing?"

Douma withheld a giggle at the slightly annoyed tone of Kokushibo's deep voice. He knew Kokushibo hated being distracted from his reading, but he couldn't stay mad at Douma. "Nothing, I'm not doing anything at all!"

Kokushibo sighed and closed his book, placing it down on the couch next to him. "I know what your doing. What do you want?"

Douma grinned at him, his fangs flickering in the yellow light. "Am I not allowed to play around with you?" Douma laughed at Kokushibo's glare, sitting up to he was sitting on top of Kokushibo's lap, still playing with his hair. He felt a smile drag the corners of his mouth up a little higher, as Kokushibo put his hands on Douma's hips. It had been a while since they had had fun together. 

Douma released Kokushibo's hair from his fingers and lazily met Kokushibo's waiting lips, admiring the second of sweetness the kiss provided before Kokushibo tightened his grip around Douma, and pressed them together more passionately. 

Douma giggled at Kokushibo's impatience, his teeth slowly moving down to Kokushibo's neck, licking along the edge of the flame mark down below his jaw, before gently biting and tugging at the skin with his teeth, making Kokushibo make a low humming sound of pleasure.

Kokushibo made a small sigh of pleasure, his hands slowly moving around to unbuckle Douma's white belt. "Make it quick, and quiet... I have things to do.

Douma whined, helping kokushibo shuffle his tan hakama pants down his thighs. "Whats more important than me?"

Kokushibo let out a rare scoff, making Douma look up from his neck. Kokushibo was already loosening the white strip of fabric holding his clothes in place. "Do you really want me to answer that question?"

Douma just sighed, shuffling around to face Kokushibo, his hands on his shoulders.

Douma groaned as he gently lowered himself onto Kokushibo's member. It had been too long since he had done this- he probably should have stretched first, but to bad now. he felt noises catch in his throat that he wanted to release.

Douma sighed, tilting his head back and forcing himself down on the rest of Kokushibo's cock. He covered his mouth to prevent noises from leaving him, taking a second to look at kokushibo's pleased face. 

Kokushibo gave him a gently push to encourage him to move . Douma felt pleasure flash through his body as he gently began to ride Kokushibo, his eyes rolling back as he quickly came close to the edge. He was sensitive after having gone a few weeks without having intercourse with kokushibo.

"Your close already...?" Kokushibo almost laughed at how quick douma was to feel the need to release. "Desperate, huh?"

Douma couldn't even answer properly, he just continued to  drive himself down on Kokushibo's member, occasionally letting a small noise escape him. Kokushibo smirked at him and pushed himself up, making douma cry out and cum over his chest.

Kokushibo felt a wave of satisfaction looking at douma in so much pleasure. But he was a long way from being done with douma for the night. His responsibilities could wait.


I was writing this in my school library while these girls are getting yelled at for having their phones and facetiming their other friend 💀

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2023 ⏰

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