(F) Fireworks

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Sorry this took a while! It's exams week, wish me luck. Also, its a bit short, so I might update or make a part 2 another time, anyway, enjoy!



Uppermoon 1 slowly turned around, his hand on the hilt of his blade. He stepped back as he was almost crashed into by the overly cheerful uppermoon two. "What do you need this time... Douma..."

Douma's bright smile made his heart do flips and send weird feelings through his brain, of which he quickly repressed.

"Well, I was wondering if you'd like to go see the fireworks with me tonight! I asked Akaza-dono, but you know how he is!"

Kokushibo thought for a second, taking his hand off his blade, crossing his arms over his chest. "Very well, I'll go with you... It's not like I have anything better to do tonight anyway. How do you suppose we get into the village undetected?"

Douma's eyes seemed to sparkle with mischief. "Simple! We disguise ourselves as humans! If we style your hair right and give you a mask or something..."

Kokushibo sighed, looking outside. The sun was beginning to set through the dark red curtains that shielded them from the sun and casted a red glow over the hallway. "If we are making disguises... we should hurry up...."

Douma excitedly took Kokushibo's hand and led him up to his bedroom and began digging through his large wardrobe.

"Oh, my Kokushibo-dono! You look funny, don't you?"

Kokushibo sighed around the mask he wore over his face, hiding his extra eyes. "Let's just go... find a quiet place, will you?"

Douma just laughed and took Kokushibo by the hand, making their way down to the village and finding a quiet rooftop to sit on.

"The fireworks are sure pretty, right Kokushibo-dono?"
Kokushibo slowly nodded, leaning against Douma a bit.

They weren't in love. But sometimes, occasionally, it really did feel like they were.

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