Chapter 1

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Haruka Nanase was 4 years old when he found his soul mate.

He had been at the park with his mother, she had insisted he get to know children his own age instead of just swimming or drawing. Haruka had been idly looking around attempting to find a way out of this place filled with screaming children that, frankly, he couldn't stand being around when his eyes fell on the most beautiful angel he had ever seen. He was sure that this being was no mere human, they had to be an angel from their sheer beauty. Haruka paused in his thinking, if this was indeed an angel why was he about the same age as Haruka himself? Haruka shrugged and decided he would greet this angel so he made his way across the dreaded swing set to reach his new found angel. As he approached the person he realized it was a young boy about his age but slightly smaller. The boy was fiercely clutching a stuffed rabbit and refusing to raise his eyes. Haruka made note of the fluffy brown hair, vowing to feel it one day to see if it was really as soft as it looked. The smaller boy noticed Haruka's presence and looked up with wide eyes. The young boy's eyes were just as beautiful as the rest of him. They slanted slightly downward in a sleepy expression and the color was extraordinary, a deep rich green, the color of green leaves filtering the sun, emeralds reflecting the sunrise's light, the morning grass covered in dew. Haruka thought none of these descriptions really even touched on the beauty of this boy. The sight took Haruka's breath away.

The boy looked up with teary eyes, "H-hello, my n - name is M-makoto." The little boy stammered out.

"Haruka. Be my friend." Haruka's reply was as blunt as he had always been. Makoto however didn't seem phased by this at all. Instead his entire face lit up as he replied,

"Okay, Haru-chan!"

Haru's 4 year old heart melted.

Haru was 7 when he found out he would one day lose his hearing.

He was playing in the back yard with his only friend, Makoto. His mother was thrilled that her son had managed to make at least one friend with his blunt way of speaking and anti-social behavior. Makoto was chattering away cheerily when Haru tilted his head. It was a small gesture, so minute his own mother didn't even notice it but Makoto did.

"Haru-chan, what's wrong?" His mother walked over then.

"Haruka, honey, is something wrong?" Haru shrugged. "Haru." His mother raised a brow knowing her son wasn't one to complain. Haru looked down.

"My ear's ringing." His mother frowned,

"I hope it's not an ear infection, I'll go make an appointment with your doctor." As his mother went inside Makoto sat closer to Haru, slinging his arm around his shoulders.

"It's okay, Haru-chan, the doctor will have you as good as new by tomorrow!" Makoto gave Haru one of his breathtakingly beautiful smiles and Haru looked down, his own lips curving slightly at the ends and a red flush adorning his cheeks and tips of his ears.

Haru and his parents trudged home silently. The doctors words going through all of their minds. A congenital disease from his father's side. Apparently it had skipped a generation, sparing Haru's father, Haru himself hadn't been as lucky. The doctor had told him his hearing would steadily decrease until he was completely deaf. The doctor also informed him occasional ringing, buzzing, or distortion of sound was normal but there wasn't anything they could really do about it. His parents seemed worried but Haru himself was unfazed, until he remembered Makoto. How would his friend take the news? Haru decided to get the burden of telling him out of the way, so, with the permission of his parents, little Haru walked the whole ten steps to Makoto's house. (When the Nanase's learned just how close the Tachibana's lived everyone was thrilled). Haru stood at the door contemplating, he nodded resolutely and timidly knocked on the door. Mrs. Tachibana answered.

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