[⚔️] ~ It is the truth, isn't it? ~ [💥]

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yea, I sorta quit TDS



Plus I can't promise that I'll say like I quit and then come back two weeks later with a confidence boost

Requested by:ole56711

I AM SO SO SO SORRY that it took me soooo loong, I bring my deepest apologies for taking so long


But hey, I got a perfect moment to get my motivation by spicing up the drama and lowering the "epicness" because that "epicness" of the fight was only making it harder to write lmao

I'm going to call their weapons 'sword' and 'claymore' because i need more synonyms for 'sword'

Warning: Cussing, blood/gore, slight angst

Story may contain:Kinda angst, as I've mentioned, more lore, BATTLE

I suck at writing fights please-

I associated Nuclear with Ares and Awakened with Hermes and Loki lol

Nuclear was walking through the dusk forest, his face expressed something quite unusual for him, - tranquility.

He was quite an aggressive and cruel titan, one of those, who could kill you if you are bad at choosing words. Make a mistake, and he'll be ready to beat you up or throw burning glares as a threat.

But right now he seemed to be so peaceful. Frankly, he enjoys the silence and peace of darkness. He loves places, where the shadows dance with the moonlight together.

He loved butterflies, he really did. But his radiation would immediately kill them, yet some special creatures are not harmed by his aura or touch.

His emerald eyes gazed through the darkness. He can see in the dark, yet some unnatural darkness would be an exception. Some unnatural darkness like that pitch black fog, which would get only thicker the deeper he got.

Nuclear stopped, feeling a stare burning his back. Someone was here, and the senses were telling him who exactly was that.

The radioactive titan sighed, his right eye twitched from the uninvited anger. He was like a lever, pull it, and he's already enraged, with a desire to kill.

"Don't think I am unaware." He hissed out, glaring into the dark.

"You know, Nuclear..." The soft voice from the other titan spoke "I've always been so, so upset by your actions. Not just upset but..." Awakened came out of the dark, his rather honeyed voice immediately turned into a furious growl "FUCKING FRUSTRATED!"

"Oh, seriously? Your damn complains again, tsk?" The radioactive titan narrowed his brows, crossing his arms.

"You always, always have been so toxic to me. Oh, what am I even saying? You're toxic to everyone, no matter what do they say." Awakened shrugged, trying to sound calm, yet he had a huge dose of venom in his words. He circled around his rival "I guess that is why literally everybody hate you."

These words felt like knives into Nuclear's heart.

Yet he stayed cold on the outside, groaning and glaring at the entity.

"Awakened..." The radioactive titan growled "Stop with the drama. I know you're such a good actor, but you're so annoying."

"Actor, actor, actor! Liar, liar, liar!" Awakened raised his hands, aggression sparkling in his quick movements "Is this really all you think of me?! All of you always call me a thief, a liar! But you...You would call me any offensive name, just to keep your self-esteem high."

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