[❄️] ~ Nothing To Lose ~ [🖤]

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and maybe a chapter at the 'Angel' fanfiction if i won't be a lazyass

Story may contain: Frost Spirit X Lord Sinister ship, angst, one swear word

Warning:Death, angst, a bit of blood, slight su!cide thoughts.

Frost Spirit sighed, wrapping his arms around Lord Sinister. The pumpkin titan sat on the ground, a huge hole in his chest bleeding out. His magmatic body slowly turning into stone as the glow would fade away.

"Why now?" The ice titan asked, his body trembling. Frost Spirit was crying, his body might be already colored in a darker shade of grey, almost black, yet the black circles under his eyes couldn't blend in with his crystal-clean skin.

"Sorry." Lord Sinister chuckled, coughing orange blood. The fire titan's flame were losing their sparks, fading to dust. "I didn't mean to let anyone down, Frost, I- I didn't mean to let you down, Snowflake! I swear I didn't want to see you cry!" The Lord Sinister himself almost cried.

"Hey. It's 'kay, pumpkin. Remember what we pinky swore?" Frost Spirit chuckled, wiping his own tears. His wings gently covered the dying titan. "We'll love each other until the sun loses it's brightness."

"We'll love together...no matter what." The Lord Sinister's voice weakened. He glanced into the other's eyes.

These pure, crystal eyes had the color of the sky. They shined like no diamond in the world would, and he was ready to stare at them forever.

"I'm sorry." The pumpkin titan whimpered.

"Don't be." The ice titan murmured, his soft gaze helping the other relax. The voice of his lulled Lord Sinister into sleep "We'll meet together one day. One windy day."

The Frost Spirit kissed Lord Sinister, so gently and lovely.

A tear came out of the winged titan's eye as the fire titan lost his last sparks. The flame of life and a strong spirit was...dead.

"It's unfair." The ice titan broke the kiss, staring at the lifeless body "Why can't I go with him?"

It felt as if the titan asked someone. Someone who would reply...

Yet no answer came.

Frost Spirit finally broke down, wailing over the corpse of his love.

He wants just to die.

He wants to be free.

He wants to go with Sinister, even if it's a right path to Hell.

Why him?

Why wouldn't he die?

Why wouldn't she just let him die?

All he ever wished was just a family and peace. All he ever wanted.

Just...a little bit of love.

A little bit of family.

But he lost it. Again and again.

First he lost the sister he very cared for.

Then the human child he saved and became almost family with.

Then his friends who taught him much.

And now the love of his life.

He never wanted this war. He never wanted to fight. All he wished for is just to protect his loved ones. All he wished to is just to live a quiet, yet happy life.

He still remembers how he played with his sister, throwing snowballs at one another, making ice and snow figures, flying in the skies with the wind.

He still remembers teaching the human ice magic, listening to his wonderful stories of his life, how the boy was successful in his life.

He still remembers how his friends taught him a lot of things, how she would always try to be so mature and serious, yet would break into laughter and maniac expressions, while he would be shy and amazed by her every action, that even Frost had to help him to confess.

He still remembers how he and his love were spending time together. How they baked together, how they played together, how they read stories, slept while cuddling. He liked art, he liked ice, he liked peace of mind in a snowy and windy day. While his love was a fan of adrenaline and fights, yet even then could find peace in something nobody would expect from him, - is botany.

The winged titan hugged the corpse for one last time, as something sparkled in his cyan eyes.

No matter how hard he tried to be kind, he still was hurt.

And if he can't make people smile.

He'll make them cry.

Frost Spirit started to maniacally laugh, his laughter spreading through the winds, sending chills to whoever dared to step on the territory where he was.

He'll avenge them.

This is going to be the fucking revenge.

He already lost everything, so why would he care?

"The most dangerous creation of any society is the man who has nothing to lose."

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