[❄️] ~ Soldier, Poet, Queen ~ [🌓]

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uh um uh um i said i quit?



*gun reload*

pssst. this is just because i deleted the oneshots on my main
they were cringe, i admit, but i literally deleted all things that brought me nostalgia
(I'm still cringe tho, but I admit it, I'm genuinely self-aware)

i'm sad😔



Idea by Italais

•A Love Triangle
•Idiotic three titans

•Frost Spirit X Penumbras X Umbra (okay, that's first time i write a ship out of three)

Umbra -> Frost Spirit
Frost Spirit -> Penumbras
Penumbras -> Umbra
idiots, basically

Frost Spirit peacefully sat on the branch of a tree, the wind was howling and lulling him a melody, as he would write and write on the scroll of paper. An ecstasy of imagination, poetry, in his cold hands.

The ice titan's diamond eyes were reading each word, each letter again and again, looking for simple grammar or rhyming mistakes. His lips quietly shivering each time he pronounced a word, mumbling a melody.

"Ah, you clearly are not a good role for a king." A female voice spoke out strictly, her powerful voice echoing through the winter forest. The female titan, the Solar Eclipse harbinger, sat down near the winged one.

"...Be quiet, will you?" Frost Spirit groaned quietly, rolling back his scroll and throwing the feather he wrote with into the air, letting the wind carry it away, "Why'd you even say that? Clearly, I do not seek for a control over creatures. Each creature is free and it always should be like that."

"Oh, yes, I apologize, lord poet! You are the only right one!" Umbra laughed in a dramatic tone, sarcastically poisoning her every word. She leaned in closer to the winged titan, her golden eyes observing him, "I wonder, if you, little bird, were to be put in a cage, would it fit? A personal poet?"

"Umbra, don't provoke me." The ice titan sighed, gripping the scroll in his hand and turning it into a wad, before throwing it away and letting the wind steal it again, "What's up with you lately? You've been acting weird."

"Your adorable bird face is the only thing you're alive right now, sweetheart!" She exclaimed in a teasing tone, pulling Frost's cheek and squishing his face like a plushie, "Look at yourself, darling!"

"What..?" The owl-like titan's eyes widened from both surprise and concern, he felt his cheeks heating up from her warm hands, "Please, let me go-"

"I wonder...how would you look as a soldier....no, maybe even a personal bird of mine, in a cage!~" Umbra teased only more, giggling as her lips curled into a smirk. Was it an attempt to flirt?

"I wouldn't look good." Frost Spirit responded with a sigh, grabbing her hands and pulling them away from himself, his gaze avoiding her.

"Oh, maybe you'd be a great head-knight-"

"No." He cut her off immediately "Penumbras is your head-knight. And I'm a bird of a free flight, I am not going to join you, stop with that." He squinted at her, then glanced away once more "And then...Penumbras is a really talented soldier..."

"Oh, I must agree, he's really talented." The solar queen nodded, looking up at the sky "He always was. Even as a child, cute little bastard! Never thought that this little baby could become such a brave soldier!"

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