Chapter 3: Anniversary

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Sophia took her seat across the table from Mycroft Holmes at the familiar posh restaurant in London. She'd met Mycroft after only living in London for about six months. The two of them had known each other now for just over a year and a few months. She looked around as Mycroft gave their drink order to the waiter. He was much more knowledgeable about fine wines and, until they'd begun dating, he was also much more accustomed to dining at places as fine as this one. Even now, it still felt a bit strange.

"I remember this place," she said as she continued to look around.

"I'm sorry, my dear, to have taken you so far out of your element for tonight's dinner," Mycroft said, observing her carefully.

She blushed, as she usually did, under his careful gaze. At times, he could read her so well. "I'm sorry you noticed that I was the least bit uncomfortable, Mycroft. It's not that I wasn't used to dining at a variety of restaurants before we began dating, it's just more frequent now, and before a place as nice as this was more the rarity than the common occurrence. You certainly don't need to apologize. It's less about being uncomfortable, and more about still being a bit in awe that I have the opportunity afforded me to be at places like this more often. All that to say—I still tend to pinch myself when I consider that I'm dating Mycroft Holmes.

"It shouldn't be that surprising. I am known to have incredibly good taste in all things." He said with a knowing smile that Sophia would understand the compliment to her. "If I'm honest, I've been continually mystified as well by this turn in my life. I never expected I'd want love, much less find it, especially in a beautiful American digital forensic specialist." They smiled at each other fondly and watched as the waiter poured their wine. When done, Mycroft gave him a curt smile and a polite, "Thank you." They placed their order and once the waiter had gone, Mycroft turned to her. "Happy Anniversary, Sophia. Here's to many more."

Her eyes almost instantly teared up. "You remembered. I—I wasn't sure you would. I knew this was the place we went—on our first date—but I wasn't sure if it was just coincidence. I didn't know if it would be that important. You have so many things to think about for work and your brother and—"

He reached across the table and took her hand in his. "And you. You are important and always in my thoughts. It's been a year since I grew brave enough to ask you on our first date. Of course, remembering this date is important to me. Being with you has changed my life." He paused and smiled sweetly at her. "For the better, if that wasn't clear enough."

"Happy Anniversary, Mycroft," she said with a soft smile before tapping her glass against his.

Once he was satisfied that he'd properly given recognition to the occasion, he moved on to the next topic he'd hoped to broach this evening. "We haven't yet had the opportunity to discuss the holidays this year. Will you be having to work again?"

Sophia worked for Scotland Yard doing digital forensics. Last year, being her first and still new to the job, she accepted that she'd be working through Christmas. This year, however, would be different. "No, I'll have time off."

"Very good. I was tempted to offer to speak to someone myself, though I know you detest me using my influence in such a way," he said with a hint of frustration on his part. He was accustomed to using his power to get what he wanted. Having a happy girlfriend was of chief concern to him. But very early on they'd had several arguments about it and he'd, for the most part, acquiesced to her wishes.

"I do, and it won't be necessary. I've earned a nice holiday this year thanks to taking very little time through the year."

"You do work incredibly hard, so it is certainly much deserved. That brings me to my next question. I'll be spending Christmas Eve and Day at my parent's cottage, with Sherlock. I believe John and Rosie will be coming along as well. I wondered; would you join me?"

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