Chapter 8: Family

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"There's still time to change your mind. I could take care of it. I'll let him down easy for you," Sherlock said from where he paced behind Sophia's desk in her lab at Scotland Yard.

The woman smirked. "Sherlock, are you not excited about having me as a sister-in-law?"

"Could I have you but be rid of him? That would be ideal," Sherlock said with a grumble.

"You two fighting again?" She said with an eyeroll.

"My brother is being ridiculously stubborn about a certain... decision."

"Oh, what decision is that?"

She detected that Sherlock had stopped pacing and paused behind her.

She'd just taken a sip of her coffee when he finally blurted out, "He refuses to have a stag party."

Which almost caused her to spit out her coffee. "And that surprises you, Sherlock? Surely you saw that one coming. Your brother detests parties, much less one in which he is the center of attention."

"He's getting married, there will be a wedding and a reception—you are making him allow a wedding reception, right?"

"Of course."

"Which is why I'm here. Can you talk to him? As his Best Man it's my responsibility to plan a Stag Party. If he refuses to have one, it would be considered neglect on my part."

"I'm sure no one would look down on you because of Mycroft's decision, Sherlock," Sophia said with yet another grin.


"What did you do for John?"

"He and I went out for drinks. It all went rather—well, it wasn't my best laid plan. Which is why I feel I can do much better this time."

Sophia spun around in her chair. "Perhaps what we need is a compromise."

Sherlock's eyebrow raised. "Getting myself and Mycroft to compromise with each other could be your biggest achievement in life, Sophia. Are you sure you're up to such a task?"

"Sherlock, I have dated, courted, and am marrying your brother. What do you think?"

He examined her a moment. "Good point. Very well, I'll consider it. When will we have this parley to discuss said compromise?"

She spun back around to get back to work but spoke over her shoulder. "Come round to my place tonight for dinner. Mycroft is already planning on being there."

"Are you going to tell him I'm coming?"

"Oh yes. You showing up as a surprise would not bode well for the possibility of compromise."

Sherlock smiled again. "You really are good at this." Before he spun around and started to walk out of the room. When he reached the door, he stopped and turned back around. "Sophia?"

"Hmm?" she said, turning slightly in her chair to look.

"I'm... happy... that you are going to be a part of our family. You are the match that neither my brother nor I ever considered he might find. I find it... pleasing."

She smiled wide. "Yeah, I like you too, Sherlock. Now get out, I have work to do."

He smiled back before turning to leave.


"I don't see why you invited my brother to dinner. I thought this was going to be private. Just you and I." Mycroft said with what Sophia could only consider to be a pout.

She rolled her eyes as she prepared dinner. "Pouting doesn't look attractive on you, love. And it's been over a month since we had dinner with Sherlock. You know it's important to me, and it should be important to you. In fact, I know it is important to you, because I know how important your family is to you. You're just unhappy because you know what we're going to discuss after dinner."

The American Fire that Melted the Ice Man (Mycroft Holmes x OC - BBC Sherlock)Where stories live. Discover now