Chapter 12: The Invitation

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That invitation came sooner than either of them expected. As soon as they'd landed back in London, Anthea had let Mycroft know of the call from Buckingham Palace. That, however, was not where they were headed—with their wedding only a few days away, they were headed to Balmoral Castle, where the Queen and Duke of Cambridge were spending several months, as they normally did this time of year. As Sophia looked out the window down the long driveway to the Castle, she spoke, "It's like something out of a fairy tale, Mycroft! It reminds me of visiting the Biltmore Estate when I was a child."

"Ah yes, the Vanderbilt's—good taste that lot had."

Sophia had missed his comment, she was staring out the window and deep within her thoughts.

"You're going to do fine," he said as he squeezed her hand.

"I'm grateful I have such a good memory. So many things to remember."

"Would you like to go over it one last time? It's quite a long driveway, we have a few moments."

"I wait to be spoken to, and when I have been, I curtsy and address her as 'Your Majesty." If she offers her hand, I may take it for a handshake, otherwise no touching. I refer to her as 'ma'am' afterwards. Not 'mum' or 'maum' but 'ma'am'. I don't show my back, which means allowing her to walk ahead. At lunch, speaking to her will be dictated by her, and will be determined by where I've been sat for the meal. I believe those are the most important things."

Mycroft smiled. "I told you, you'll do fine."

"Knowing and remembering to do are two different things. But I promise I'll do my best to not embarrass you."

He squeezed her hand, pulling her attention back from where she'd come to stare at the floor in front of them. "You could never embarrass me, Sophia."

Soon the car pulled up in front of Balmoral Castle. Sophia took a deep breath and as the car door was opened for her, she slid out, smoothing her hands over the skirt she'd carefully picked out with Anthea's assistance. She straightened the top and felt Mycroft's hand land on the small of her back.

"Please, follow me," a gentleman dressed just as Sophia would have imagined a butler, instructed them.

Sophia did her best not to ogle as she gave the entry foyer a quick glance as they followed the gentleman toward a door to the left. She stopped when Mycroft did and waited as the gentleman opened the double doors and stepped just inside. "Your Majesty, Ms. Sophia Cartwright and Mr. Mycroft Holmes."

"Please do allow them in," the posh voice of the most honored woman in the United Kingdom spoke.

The man stood out of the way and Mycroft gave her the gentlest of encouragement forward with his hand at her back. As they entered, Sophia did her best now not to stare at the Queen, but noticed that she was setting a book down on the small side table by the chair she sat in. The woman stood and stepped closer as they approached. Once again, Sophia stopped when Mycroft did.

"Ms. Cartwright... Mycroft... you honor me with your presence at my home today. Thank you for coming."

Sophia curtsied. "Your Majesty, the honor is mine. Thank you for the invitation," she said and at once saw the woman's hand extend, so she took in gently in her own for a slight shake. She then handed over the small, wrapped package she'd gripped in her hand. "A gift for you, ma'am, from my home state within the US."

"How very lovely, thank you, Ms. Cartwright."

The Queen then offered her hand to Mycroft. Sophia watched as Mycroft did the same, bowing at his neck and addressing her. "Your Majesty. It is an honor, as always, to see you, ma'am."

"Please, do join me," she said, motioning to the chairs that were across from her own.

They moved to the seats, but then waited the few seconds before the queen sat and adjusted herself within her own chair before sitting themselves. Once done, the Queen smiled at Mycroft. "I am pleased that you've finally brought your jewel for us to meet, Mycroft. Phillip and I had wondered if you'd keep her hidden away forever."

"Of course not, ma'am," Mycroft said with a smile and bow of his head.

Sophia was struck by the fact that the Queen of England seemed to have been discussing her with the Duke of Edinburgh.

"I must say, curiosity is getting the better of me. I believe I'd like to see what's hidden in this wrapping," she said as she pulled the light blue wrapping off the flat rectangular package. She smiled upon seeing it. "Do tell me about this beautiful painting, Ms. Cartwright."

"Those are my beloved Blue Ridge Mountains, ma'am. As seen from the Blue Ridge Parkway in my home state of North Carolina."

"It is beautiful, Ms. Cartwright. I am surprised, but pleased, that our own country was able to pull you away from such a beautiful landscape." The Queen held out the painting and an attendant who'd been standing at attention nearby came quickly over and took it. "I do believe I know just where I'll have it hung. Joshua, please set it aside and we'll have it taken care of later." The man bowed and quickly went back to his post. "Since you have such a love for the beauty of nature, would you care for a tour of the Balmoral gardens, Ms. Cartwright?" the Queen asked as she stood.

Sophia and Mycroft were quick to stand as the Queen did, and Sophia responded. "Of course, ma'am. That would be lovely."


As darkness settled over Aberdeenshire, Scotland, Mycroft and Sophia were slipping back into his car. Once the driver had set off towards the hotel they'd be staying in for the evening, Mycroft spoke. "You were remarkable, as always."

"I think I perhaps managed not to embarrass you terribly, or get you kicked out of the British government."

He chuckled. "You were wonderful. Did you enjoy yourself?"

She gave a small smile. "Actually? Yes. I mean, it was insanely intimidating, but I didn't feel like I was drowning."

"So, once we're married—do you think you'd be up for attending the occasional dinner and event with me? I haven't wanted to burden you with the thought, but you did so well today, I find myself giddy with the idea of having you on my arm as I navigate the muddy waters of various social gatherings that I normally detest."

"You make it sound so terrible—not exactly the best sales tactic."

"I didn't think I'd need to work too hard to sell you on the idea. Was I wrong?"

She smiled. "You weren't. Of course, I'll join you, Mycroft. I knew there'd probably be some element of that when I married you."

"My Sophia, always looking forward and anticipating what I'm going to do. It's slightly disarming—most people can't do that with me."

She grinned and leaned over to give him a quick kiss. "I believe we've established now, I'm not most people. What was it the Queen called me? Your 'jewel.'"

He smiled back. "Indeed, you are."

The American Fire that Melted the Ice Man (Mycroft Holmes x OC - BBC Sherlock)Where stories live. Discover now