We're Just Friends

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Before we get into this, I am very sorry. The first 4 chapters of this story are all fillers XD
Literally nothing happens. You just find out the characters personalities. But I hope you enjoy!!

Joel's Perspective-

"We're just friends.

We've been that way since we were 7.

I don't know why everyone's so keen on shipping us together when we're nothing more than pals.



Just that.

Close friends, but still friends.

But I guess things can't be that simple.

There's no such thing as 'just friends'.

I just- I don't understand.

I wish people would just leave us alone."

Lizzie nodded.

She was sitting on her best friend's bed, chatting with him.

Joel and Lizzie had met in 8th grade, and they started to hang out.

They tried dating for a couple of months but agreed that they were better as friends.

They're in 10th grade and normally, Joel hung out with her, her little brother (by a year) Jimmy, Etho, and Grian.

Etho and Joel also sometimes hung out with some of Etho's friends named Cleo, Bdubs, and Bdubs's older brother (by a month), Scar.

They were all very nice, but Joel was never that close with them as he was with Lizzie, Jim, Grian, and Etho.

"They won't leave you two alone since you guys look cute together." She smiled jokingly and Joel rolled his eyes.

"We're friends! Why can't people accept that?!"

"Because the school loves drama and relationships."

"Besides, I think Etho likes Bdubs."

Lizzie raised an eyebrow, "Really?"

Joel shrugged, "I think. I don't know, he never really talks to me about his emotions."

"But you two've been friends forever."

"Yeah...but he bottles up his emotions. I don't know if he vents to anyone about it."

Lizzie nodded.

Just then, Joel's father knocked on the door.

"Sorry to interrupt guys, but Lizzie, your mom's here to pick you up." He said.

Lizzie nodded and got up.

"Bye Joel." She said, kissing his forehead.

Joel smiled softly and waved goodbye.

"Oh, and by the way, I thought you and Etho were dating when I first met you." She smirked before closing the door.

"LIZZIE!" Joel shouted, and you could hear Lizzie's giggles through the door.

Joel sighed, but a smile was still on his face.

He then got up and stretched.

He had been sitting down on the ground for a couple of hours, just venting to Lizzie.

Guess I should take Meri for a walk. Joel thought as he checked the time.

"Hey dad!" Joel called, walking downstairs to grab Meri's leash.

"Yeah?" Joel's father asked, walking in.

He saw Joel with Meri's leash and Meri jumping happily up at her owner.

Joel's father chuckled, "I don't think you have much a choice now. If you say that you don't wanna walk her now, she'll probably knock you to the ground."

Joel laughed as well as he tried to put the leash on the jumping dog.

After a couple of tries, Joel got the leash on Meri and walked outside.

As they walked down the street, Joel saw his neighbor, Bdubs.

"Hey Bdubs!" Joel smiled, walking over to Etho's friend.

"Oh, hey Joel!" Bdubs smiled, "Sorry, I can't talk now, my mom's about to drop me off at Etho's house for game night!"

"Oh..." Joel said, his smile flickering down, "I- I didn't know you guys did that..."

Bdubs nodded, not catching on to how Joel was upset, "Yep! Etho started it a couple months ago. It's just me, him, and Cleo. It's really fun."

Just then, Bdubs's mother walked out of their house.

"Hello Joel!" She smiled as she grabbed her keys out of her purse.

"And hi Meri!" She said to the jumping dog.

Meri ran over and jumped.

Bdubs's mother laughed as she kissed Meri's nose, petting the dog.

"How are you doing?" She asked, looking up at Joel as Meri liked her face.

"Mom, my game night." Bdubs said, motioning to the car.

"Right, right." She said.

She kissed Meri once more before getting up.
"We have to go, Joel. I assume Bdubs told you."

Joel nodded and he waved goodbye to them as he jogged off with Meri.

As he did, he couldn't help but feel left out.

We're Just Friends: A Boat Boys FanficWhere stories live. Discover now