Coming Out

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Joel's Perspective-

Joel started pacing his room as Lizzie stared at him.

"So...why'd you call me over so urgently?" She asked.

Joel nodded, still pacing.

"Joel?" Lizzie tilted her head, "What's- "

"I like Etho." Joel said, blush forming on his face as he continued his pace, "Yesterday, we were hanging out at his house and my favorite song came on and I asked him to dance and then I tripped and almost fell and then Etho caught me and then we were accidentally hugging and then- "

Lizzie squealed, making Joel jump.

"I knew it!" She shouted, getting up and hugging her friend.

"Er- what?"

"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it, I KNEW IT!"

"Knew what?"

"I knew you were bi!"

Joel blinked.


"Bi! It means you like guys and girls."

"I- how did you- are you sure?"

"Definitely. You have major bi vibes."

"Is...but do you think my parents will be okay with it?"

"What do you mean?"

"I you think they would be okay with me liking guys?"

Lizzie thought for a moment and then said slowly, "I think so..."

She then looked at the door.

"Welp," She shrugged, smirking, "Guess there's only one way to find out!"

"Wait, what?!"

But before Joel knew it, Lizzie was pushing him out of his room and into the living room where his parents were watching TV together.

"Joel? Lizzie? Everything alright?" Joel's father asked, pausing the show as he saw her son's nervous look.

"Joel has something to tell you." Lizzie said, shoving her friend forward.

Joel shot her a look and she gave him an encouraging thumbs-up.

"Joel, sweetie? Is everything okay?" Joel's mother asked.

"I..." Joel took a deep breath, looking at the ground, "I think I'" He said in a barely audible whisper.

"You think you're what?" She asked, tilting her head.

"Bi." Joel said, lifting his head to look at his parents.

His parents exchanged looks and his father shrugged.

"Bi means I like both guys and girls." Joel explained, "I- I like a guy right now and I liked Lizzie when we were dating."

"I- I'm really sorry, I know you probably don't want me to like guys and- "

Joel cut himself off as his mother and father got up to hug him.

"We still love you, sweetie, and nothing will ever change that." Joel's mother said, kissing her son's cheek.

Joel smiled and a tear ran down his face.

"Aw, don't cry." His mother said softly, breaking apart from the hug to wipe his tear away.

"We'll always love you, Joel." Joel's father said, smiling softly.

"Thanks." Joel smiled.

"So who's this boy you like?" His father asked, a smirk on his face.

"" Joel laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head.

"Is it someone we know?" Joel's mother asked.

Joel hesitated and shook his head.

"Don't lie!" Lizzie said, lightly punching his shoulder.

"Yes, you do know them." Lizzie said to his parents, "It's Et- "

Joel quickly kicked her leg to shut her up.

"Etho?" Joel's father asked, "Is that what I hear? You like Etho?"

Joel turned bright red, and Lizzie giggled.

"I guess that makes sense." Joel's mother said.

"So how'd you find out you like him?" She asked.

"Er- when we were hanging out- "

"Oh, and we'll have to have the talk with him." Joel's father said, interrupting his son.

"No, no, no, no, no!! You already did that with me before high school!"

Joel's father chuckled and patted his back.

"I was joking, relax." He smiled before adding, a joking smile on his face, "But do use protec- "


His parents laughed and Lizzie giggled.

"I know you would never do that." Joel's father said.

They all continued talking and Joel started to feel better.

Little did he know, someone was having a worse time with their feelings.

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