11. Eden poem

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This is a poem I'm so very proud of so please vote and tell me what you think on this..

Wordcount: 253


Books and bibles, crooks with titles,
I'll go to hell knowing what the taste of heaven feels like upon my lips,

If loving is a sin, then may the devil take control of me, for she is my love, my heaven, she would move the mountains and the stars for me, tare the tree of wisdom from its roots to give me knowledge, drought the well of youth to keep me pure forever,

With heavy heart, my god, drag me to the bottomless pits of eternal suffering for I have seen Eden already, the lush green lives within her eyes that gaze upon me in prayer,

No John nor Joseph could make me repent for I am inclined to serve her as my deity.
Willing in devotion, I will tend to her with in sickness and in health,

And I will go to hell knowing what heaven tastes like upon my lips,
Like rivers of molten gold that cascade through the valley's of paradise,
As if the planets have aligned at her command, her word is strong.
Her gaze soft, like silk spun by Baphomet, feet planted at his throne.
Smirk thick in thought as if he had caught another sinner

By all means, clasp the ball and chain around my limbs for I know,
My love will absolve me, discard of my shackles and remind me what real nirvana feels like.

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