I: Ties That Bind You

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CH. I Ties That Bind You

         KYRAH lazily twirls her foot in the air as she stares back at the blank, twilight canvas

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KYRAH lazily twirls her foot in the air as she stares back at the blank, twilight canvas. The wind provides a nice alleviation to the hot, humid weather that she's been dealing with for weeks now. She glances over at the cracking fire surrounded by six others, listening to their laughter and sounds of eating, but Kyrah quickly turns her gaze before any of them spot her movements.

Even though Kyrah has gotten even more familiar to all six of them by now, her heart wasn't into it. No matter the amount of dinners they have fighting over who got the better kill or sitting by the streaming river as they rest in the grass, a couple feet wayward of where they're located — there's an unshakable gloom that refuses to depart from her.

Her parents, Kyrah ponders. For all her life she's loved them, and they loved her too — or not she thinks. But, the turning point of when their views of her changed still remains a question in her mind. The night before her father did what he did, her mother kissed her cheeks before nightfall and prayed for her to sleep peacefully. So what is it that she's missing? Why can't she figure out the key to the puzzle that led to her demise? Was it something she said? Or maybe they were just gambling on their only child to prove if a prophecy was right? But what if it wasn't? What if she died for good then what?

Kyrah sits up with a loud curse leaving her lips as her hands frustratedly scrounge up in her hair. They wanted me dead, but why? Why? Anger flares up in her gut. She bares her teeth as she lowers her head. What did I do? Kyrah pinches the bridge of her nose as tears threaten to fall down her face. Soft, ragged breaths are formed through the exhale of her dried lips to control her overflow of emotion, but it doesn't work. Her throat stings painfully as her eyes become more blurry.

Adya rushes over in concern, kneeling softly in front of Kyrah's hunkered form. "Kyrah?" She queries. But, there's no response from Kyrah's end, only broken, battered breaths that indicate her given state.

The edges of a frown shape onto Adya's face as she reaches out to Kyrah with a stretched out hand. "It's okay. You're going to be okay." Adya placates. Kyrah looks up with red eyes, sniffling as she listens to her companion. The other woman beckons. "Come here, sweetheart."

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