III: The Die Has Been Set

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CH. III     ✷     The Die Has Been Set

         EZRA had always appeared best in the gentle waves of moonlight

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         EZRA had always appeared best in the gentle waves of moonlight. Its touch enhanced the glow on his dark skin and made his eyes softer. Kyrah often found her eyes tracing the contours of his face in the night. It was a silent secret she would keep to the depths of her heart, in fear of his reaction, but Kyrah would like to say she knows Ezra by now.

Her understanding of that knowledge has brought her peace.

Yet at this very moment, rage writes itself all over his face. The sun, merciless as always, does not have any qualms about hiding it— it exposes every detail in full, inescapable light. All that remains are the dark shadows it casts in its wake, leaving nothing but the virtues of the immoral.

His jaw is locked tight, and his eyes are sharpened aflame. Kyrah wonders when it is Ezra will snap, but he has held out far longer than she thought he would.

Kyrah turns to Mattias's angered form. She misses some of the stuff he's saying.

"— this is not what we can risk our safety on," Mattias speaks deliberately and sharply, slowly putting emphasis on every word. His blue eyes cut to Ezra, who only stands with a deep, distasteful frown on his face.

Ezra clutches his nails into his bicep. He matches Mattias's anger head-on. "Then tell us exactly what we can risk our safety on," Ezra starts. Mattias rolls his eyes and huffs, refusing to look Ezra in the eyes. Ezra's faux placidity morphs into terrible rage. "Because it sure as hell is not running away like a bitch!"

A low, unbridled whistle comes from Kian on Kyrah's right. His fingers are pinched on the bridge of his nose, eyes closed shut. Adya is in front of him, kneeling on the ground, tending to the nasty gash on his forearm.

No one is sure whether that whistle is because of his pain or the rising conflict between Mattias and Ezra, but it flows into the wind weaving something dangerous in its aftermath.

Mattias runs a tired hand over his face. "You want us to stay and fight while there could be more of them out there?" He holds his anger back and looks down, his shoulders show no strength behind them as he collapses under the gravity of their situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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