Sabriel fluff

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For worldrulerchu (Sorry if it's too short or it sucks)

*continues from previous chapter*

Sam watched Dean scurry off after Castiel, slamming the door shut behind him once he was gone. He sighed and turned back to the angel who was still sprawled across the couch. Gabriel was watching him intently with those smirky green eyes of his, making Sam frown.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I know what you're thinking," Gabriel's lips slowly became a lopsided smirk.

"Oh yeah?" Sam opened the pizza box to retrieve a slice of pizza for himself, all the while feeling Gabriel's eyes glued onto him.

"You want to touch my wings, don't you?"

Sam continued chewing on his pizza, raising an eyebrow. "And why would I want to do that?"

"Because you want to touch it."

"Touch it?" Sam echoed blankly.

"Touch it," Gabriel confirmed. His golden wings flapped gently behind him.

"Oh no. I don't want to be killed for molesting an angel," he snorted, depositing the now-empty pizza box into the trash bin. Gabriel sneaked up behind him without warning, and one of his wings wrapped around Sam tenderly like a soft blanket.

Sam flushed, muttering uncomfortably, "Gabe. What are you doing?"

"C'mon Samsquach, I have big wings! And they're golden! At least pretend that you're impressed," Gabriel complained while furrowing his brow.

"You sound like a five year old demanding for attention," Sam wiggled out of Gabriel's grasp, stalking out into the living room and leaving the angel staring after him. He threw himself into the couch and flicked on the television, browsing through all the channels idly. "Go prune your feathers or something."

"Aw. You're such a disappointment." his voice floated from the kitchen.

Sam was relieved when Gabriel had finally stopped talking. But just as he was beginning to find the sudden silence from the angel to be unsettling, an ear-splitting crash sounded from the kitchen. He swore and ran to the kitchen, where he found Gabriel on the floor, pieces of broken pottery all over him. Cracked plates and bowls were in halves around him.

"Gabriel! What the hell did you do?" Sam chided, helping the angel up.

"I think one of my wings accidentally knocked down your giant tower of dirty dishes," Gabriel smiled innocently. "Whoopsies."

Sam sighed, walking to the closet to fetch a broom. He returned to the kitchen and began sweeping up the broken pottery, with Gabriel perched on the countertops watching him curiously.

"Don't you have anywhere else to go?" Sam almost snapped at him. "Heaven? Hawaii? Mexico?"

"I like being around my grumpy moose."

"Right." Sam rubbed his temples, before reaching behind Gabriel to grab a dishcloth. He accidentally brushed his skin against Gabriel's wings, and they immediately flinched away from his touch. Gabriel hissed in pain, his wings immediately tensing up behind him in a tight cacoon.

"What is it? Did I hurt you?" Sam backed away a little.

"No, no," Gabriel relaxed his shoulders, but his wings were still folded protectively behind his back. "I think... I got cut by the broken dishes."

"Is it-is it serious?" Sam said helplessly.

Gabriel glanced away from him. "Don't think so."

"Let me see," he held out a hand cautiously, reaching for the angel. Gabriel only inched away from his hand, his wings pressing flat against the kitchen wall. "Come on, I won't hurt you."

Seeing the angel's unconvinced expression, Sam sighed and pulled him off the countertop by his hand. He stared earnestly into Gabriel's eyes expectantly, waiting.

Gabriel's wings slowly unfolded from his back, and stretched outwards in front of Sam.

"Don't be afraid, okay?" Sam glanced at the angel with big puppy eyes. He looked back down to examine his feathers-he had never noticed before, but his feathers actually glowed with a sort of dim light, and each of his golden feathers were outlined thinly with a white aura. Sam touched Gabriel's wings with as much gentleness as he could muster, and even though they jerked slightly at the contact, Gabriel did not withdraw them.

Sam parted the feathers aside softly, looking for cuts hidden underneath. He finally found the injury-a rather long cut that ran across the expanse of his wing. He cringed a little-that definitely look painful.

"We should wash the wound," Sam only said. He turned to the sink and opened the faucet. Gabriel seemed unwilling to get his feathers wet, but after a few more rounds of coaxing he finally gave in.

He had hissed from the sting the water caused the wound.

After Sam had dug around high and low for bandages, he ushered Gabriel to the couch whereby he knelt down beside the angel to treat his injury.

"Thanks," Gabriel's smile seemed brighter than the sun. "I feel better already."

He laid down onto the couch, extending his arms out to Sam. "Can we sleep together?"

"Seriously?" Sam snorted. "Go get yourself a room upstairs."

"Don't flatter yourself."

"Angels don't sleep," he argued back.

"I can make an exception."

Sam smacked his face and gave up. He slowly laid down beside Gabriel, careful not to touch his injured wing. The angel snuggled closer to him, his wings immediately folding down to wrap around them like a loose cacoon.

"Once Dean finds us here, he would never shut up about it," Sam whined.

"Don't worry," Gabriel smirked. "We'll wait until we find him with Cassy-oh boy. Now shush and go to sleep, grumpy moose."

Sam closed his eyes and began feeling himself slipping out of consciousness. But once his breathing eased, he found himself in the clouds in his dream.

He saw Gabriel wearing a white robe sitting on a cloud, his beautiful golden wings stretched out behind him. On his shoulder perched a small angel with ebony wings and very blue eyes, looking excitedly at the night sky above them.

"They're called stars, Cassy," Gabriel said to the small angel with a soft smile. "One day when you learn to love, you'll see stars in humanity's eyes."

"I hope they have green eyes," little Castiel replied. "I like green eyes."

"You'll meet a broken man, and his eyes will be the greenest green..."

Urm just a heads up, I'm unlikely to continue this cause I'm working on another fanfiction, so I'll come back (I think) once I'm done. I think I'll include in here some Superwholock too in the future? Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this :))

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