Sabriel: 1 | Destiel: 0

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"Sam, I am here," Castiel announced, scanning the area warily for any danger. However, he only saw Sam Winchester sitting casually on the couch, a bowl of popcorn balanced precariously on his lap.

"Why have you called me?" he asked, confused.

Sam merely winked at him. In the same instance, his brown-haired and hazel eyed brother appeared in front of him, holding a disc in his hands and thrusting it at Castiel's chest. The angel in the trench coat hastily caught at it before it dropped and broke on the ground.

"Here are the lyrics to this song," Gabriel handed him another folded sheet of paper. Castiel could clearly see spidery handwriting which danced across the page, but did not bother to read them just yet.

"I don't understand..." Castiel started, only to be cut off when Gabriel threw an arm over his shoulder and brought him over to the couch, seating next to Sam.

"Okay Cas, I called Dean. He's coming over in ten minutes," Sam said, his eyes lit up and his expression all excited, making Castiel even more confused.

"Oh this is going to be good," Gabriel giggled. "Alright Cassy boy, do you know this song?"

Castiel trailed off, staring blankly at the lyrics. "Am I supposed to?"

"It's better that you don't know it. Anyway, just sing this to Dean when he comes later."


"Because," Gabriel momentarily darkened his eyes and spoke in a low tone, "God commanded it."

"Okay..." Castiel frowned, knowing that his brother was making a joke. That only made his confusion skyrocket again.

"Quick, he's coming!" Sam cried out when he noticed his brother exiting the Impala anxiously outside the dusty windows of the house.

Gabriel flung himself off the couch, quickly inserting the CD into the video player in one smooth motion.

"Prepare yourself," he whispered into Castiel's ear before he offered a smirk that looked like it said, don't mess it up.

He flipped the paper open again, smoothing the fold in the process and let his eyes run over the words one more time. The door of the house flew open with an audible bang, and Dean ran in, his blade ready in hand and his green eyes cautious.

"What is it, Sammy? What happened?" he demanded.

"Cas has something very important to tell you," Sam spoke in a haunted tone, his eyes averted and his hands tucked into his pockets. If Castiel didn't know that he was acting, he would have been fooled as well.

"Is it... is it serious? You got the serious face on," Dean lowered his blade, concern flooding his features.

"Come, sit," Gabriel motioned for the older Winchester to take his seat at the couch. Dean's steps were tense and unhurried, slowly sinking himself onto the couch and watching everyone worriedly.

"What is it, Cas? You can tell me anything," there was a pleading edge to his voice, as his green eyes gazed fixedly at Castiel. "What's wrong?"

Castiel eyed Gabriel and Sam, who gestured to his slip of paper. He cleared his throat and gazed down, waiting for the song to start.

Sam headed to the video player and hit the start button, much to Dean's bewilderment.

Castiel has never heard-or much less, sung-this song before, and he struggled to sing alongside with the singer.

"All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before
And all I've seen since 18 hours ago is green eyes and freckles and your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like," he paused with the singer, inhaling a breath before continuing,

"I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now
I just want to know you better know you better know you better now."

Castiel abruptly stopped, glancing up from the paper.

"Uhmm," he frowned. "Is this really necessary, Gabriel?"

Gabriel and Sam needed no more to burst out into an explosion of laughter. They clutched at each other's shoulders, still racking and trembling with laughter until it looked like it hurt.

Dean's face flushed to an alarming shade of red, still seated at the couch with widened eyes and his jaw dropped open.

"Oh you sons of-" he leapt onto his feet, waving his fists at the still laughing pair of men. "I'll kill you dead!"

"Don't be so modest," Gabriel choked out the words in between pearls of laughter. "Admit that you enjoyed it, Deany!"

The Winchester only flushed more. He shot Castiel a fleeting, embarrassed-to-the-point-of-no-return- kind of look, before he angrily huffed and stalked out of the door, not forgetting to slam it shut.

"He's really pissed," Sam remarked, a goofy smile still on his lips. The trio watched the Impala speed off until it disappeared from view. "It'll take at least a carton of beer and three pies to simmer him down. And," he smirked at Castiel. "Maybe a hug or two from you."

Castiel blinked slowly, shuffling his feet. "I assume you wouldn't be needing me anymore. I... will take my leave."

He vanished, just like that, the flutter of wings that followed announcing his departure.

Gabriel and Sam turned slowly towards each other, exchanging a victorious hi-five.

*surprisingly found inspiration to write another one-shot*

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