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A long long long time ago:

"Brother," a small but commanding voice whined. "Brother, play with me."

Gabriel turned away from his work to see little Castiel-a young fledging-peering up at him with wide, shimmering blue eyes. In heaven he had no vessel, but yet in his true form, he somehow still had blue eyes, which was no doubt the most prominent feature of his tiny face. That, and his small ebony wings that were being dragged on the ground behind him, too heavy for Castiel to lift them. Maybe when he grows older.

"I can't, Cassy, I'm working," Gabriel tried to shoo him away but to no avail. He resorted to begging, "Father wants me to make a hundred animals by the end of this week. Please, Cassy, I promise I'll play with you another time."

"Can I help?" he said excitedly, ignoring his slight frustration.

"You know that you're not supposed to."

His younger brother stared determinably at him with puppy eyes, obviously indicating that he was not intent on giving up.

"You know I'm not allowed to," Gabriel added, although he knew his will was shattering at an alarming rate.

Castiel continued staring.

"You can't-you're still so young!" he said weakly.

Another blank stare.

"Oh alright," Gabriel sighed with barely concealed exasperation. He bent down to pick Castiel up and onto his workbench. He handed Castiel a couple of crafting tools, offering a couple of instructions as he did so.

Once Castiel was fully absorbed in his tinkering, Gabriel returned to his work with relief. His brother was probably still too young to be able to put something together anyway-

"Gabriel, look at what I made," Castiel proudly showed him a small, brown furry critter with a bushy tail curled behind its back. The older angel paused in amazement, gazing with surprise at what the younger angel did. "I'm going to call it a... a... squirrel."

"You are such a gifted little angel," Gabriel laughed, patting his brother on the head approvingly. "Put it into the box at the corner, will you? They'll all be sent to earth later."

After Castiel had returned, he curiously examined the animals Gabriel had made, which was still at his workbench.

"What's this one? It looks funny," Castiel giggled, pointing at a small furry mammal which had the beak of a duck.

"Hey, it's my best work," Gabriel defended. "I call it the platypus. Nice name, nice shape."

"What about this one?" he pointed to the animal beside it.

"Ah, the one I'm most proud of. It's a moose," Gabriel kneeled down to level himself with Castiel's height. He tapped the antlers of the moose gently, "Adorable little thing, isn't it? Except that it isn't little. And not that adorable. But well, I like it!"

"You're so smart, Gabriel," Castiel glanced at him with brotherly adoration.

"So are you, Cassy darling."

A couple of months later:

"Come on Castiel, you can do it," Gabriel stretched his arms out wider, beckoning the younger angel to fly off the cliff he was currently perched at.

"I'm... I'm scared Gabriel," his small voice was barely audible from above.

"Don't be scared, I'm right here! I'll catch you if you fall, alright?"

Castiel still clung onto the cliff, his eyes wide with fear and his wings tensed behind his back.

"Cassy," Gabriel called to the younger angel, making his voice as gentle and soft as possible. "I'm here. And I'll always be here to protect you. You have to trust me, okay? Trust me."

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