Short story

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"Crowley's up ahead, let's go!" Dean Winchester said, with a demon sword-capable of draining the king of hell of all his powers-gripped tightly in his hand.

His friend Castiel-a fallen angel, nodded grimly and followed Dean through the seemingly dark and endless corridor as demons from their left and right attacked on random.

"Are you sure Sam will be okay?" Castiel asked as he sunk his angel blade into an unsuspecting demon. The demon screamed before it crumpled onto the ground.

"Yeah sure, he's got Meg and Garth with him. Let's just worry about ourselves first," Dean replied bitterly, upon reaching the double set of doors at the end of the corridor. Even as a human he could sense something dark and powerful behind them.

Castiel's face scrunched up in disgust. "Can you feel that? The dark magic?"

"A little."

"Horrible," Castiel agreed as he kicked open the doors. It revealed Crowley with an open book in his left hand and a vial of his blood in his other, standing in front of a pentagram drawn in angel blood.

"Hello boys," Crowley whirled around and greeted them with a triumphant smirk. "You're too late. The spell is complete-the gates of hell will be opening in ten minutes. Meanwhile you can sit tight and witness the opening of my kingdom!"

"Putting this sword through your heart sounds more interesting," Dean gritted his teeth, pointing his demon sword at Crowley. Crowley narrowed his eyes at the sword, but laughed.

"You think that puny thing will work on me? I'm opening the gates of hell you idiot. Soon I will absorb billions of souls, and that will make me even more powerful than God." Crowley snorted, closing his book shut and throwing it onto the table nearby. He rubbed his hands, looking at Castiel and Dean.

"So which one of you wants to die first? The Winchester or the angel?" Crowley said with a thoughtful look on his face. He snapped his fingers and an invisible force collided into Dean harder than a wrecking ball, flinging him across the room and smashing against the wall behind. Dean coughed, and felt blood trickling out of his mouth. He was sure that most of his bones were broken.

"Stop this at once," Castiel growled in a firm voice before throwing his angel blade directly to Crowley's heart. Crowley caught it without even looking away from Dean.

"Pathetic," Crowley examined the angel blade. "Add this to my collection of angel blades from hundreds of other angels that you killed, sweetie."

Castiel's eyes widened and was speechless for a second. Crowley took the chance to advance on the surprised angel.

"No!" Dean shouted, miraculously picking himself up and barreling towards Crowley. They collided into each other, and Dean drove the demon sword into Crowley's back. It went right through the demon.

Crowley gasped as he shoved himself away from Dean, staring at the sword protruding out of his chest.

"You like that huh?" Dean rubbed away the blood on his face with a triumphant air. Crowley reached behind him and pulled the sword out of his back. He shot Dean an innocent look before he snapped the blade into half.

"Oops," Crowley said in a flat voice. "Now it's your turn."

He held up a hand towards Dean and folded his fingers into a fist. At the same time, Dean felt his insides being squeezed in an unimaginable force as he screeched, coughing up blood. But suddenly he was released, and he dropped back onto the floor.

He looked at Crowley, who had his eyes wide with surprise with his power cut off.

"The sword's meant to drain power, not kill," Dean laughed, ignoring the blood trickling out of his mouth. "We got you now, little bastard. You're powerless, and the gates of hell aren't opening anymore!"

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