Chapter 6 - Todd

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Nina didn't let go of me until we got into the car. Her eyes locked on me as we walked through the aged care centre and into the parking lot. I would have looked at her as well, but I had to watch where I was going. I nearly stumbled as I saw a blond female shifter sitting on the hood of a truck. I knew that there were female shifters around here, living in the cave where they caught Samara. I would hardly see them around town though. I turned away from her, knowing I was taking my mate away, she would be safe. I was surprised we got to this point; I thought it would take a lot longer to get her in my arms. Tobias had told me just to go talk to Nina. I didn't really know what to say to her, I should have asked Rory. He always had great intel on what to say to women, how to talk to them and bond. He was the one that read self-help books, even though he thought none of us knew. 

But when I went to speak with her something else happened. I wasn't sure if she was finally opening up to the idea of having a mate or if she was tired; maybe I'm just that good-looking. But she felt it, the need and want, you feel when your mate walks into the room. I could see it when I closed the door, she didn't see me, but she could feel me. Nina paced, searching for something. She started to fidget as her train of thought left her. My bear had launched for the surface over and over again while watching her. He wanted to claim her in that room. He didn't understand why we were waiting to claim her when she said Do it. When I was in her space she melted into me, just like the first time.

As I set her down to open the car, she didn't let go, her arms still around my neck, I kiss her. She was perfect. Her soft lips, and perfect taste. When I pulled away, she whimpered for me. But I straightened up and helped her into the car. Even though she asked, I wasn't going to claim her just anywhere. It would only ever be in our home, in our bed. I would only ever claim her when she was hundred per cent sure that is what she wanted. This wasn't just a scar; I knew that claiming her would be more important to her. My bear thought differently, launching for the surface, and paced within me. So, even though I was taking her home. I was going to keep her safe, as her dad wanted, and wait for her to come to a more thorough decision. Tobias told me a lot of interesting things that I knew that Nina didn't know. I was surprised that the old man had told me anything. I thought he would get all pappa bear on me, but he was open and welcomed the idea that Nina had a mate.

"Todd" Nina said after a long while of silence. She continued to sit there and look at me as we drove. At first, I found it a little awkward but the longer she did it, the more I enjoyed it. She looked at me with affection and desire. Both were making me hard; both were making my bear pace and growl. Though he had settled down a lot since she was in the car. We were nearly home when she finally said something.

"Yes," I said, looking at her quickly. I was driving faster than I should. Mostly so we could get home sooner. This was the only moment that I was cursed about living so far away.

"Why do you have hydrangeas growing at the front of your house?" Nina asked. Her voice was soft and a little sleepy. I smiled not expecting this question.

"They are my favourite flower" I replied, looking at her as we stopped at a stop sign. She frowned; she was so cute when she frowned. My headstrong, incredible woman frowning at me over some flowers made my heart melt.

"No, they aren't," she said shaking her head.

"That's right, you are now my favourite flower," I said. Nina's frown went to amazement as she slowly created the biggest smile I had seen. I couldn't believe that the shifter bond could change perception so quickly. I had only seen it slightly in Elisa with Hunter, where she, a human just walked up to an angry shifter. A shifter who was known to be violent, and she touched him without any hesitation. Where her mind ignored what her heart saying was right. Nina was now in a small space with me, and her needs and wants would be demanding. Even if her head was telling her no. My own body was being just as demanding and loud, my bear growling, clawing for her.

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