Aching for Recognition

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Valerie got Creo to the hideout, noticing that nobody else is there.

"Oh. That's great. Let's just ...patch you up. What did he do to you?" Valerie asks the unconscious Creo while attending to his wounds.

"Fun fact. Tattoos are technically forbidden in the Guilds. There was this one time that someone had tattoos but turns out it was curse marks. So to avoid that misunderstanding, tattoos are now prohibited. Some of us don't follow the rules and that's why we're so welcomed by the Group and Dark Council. But. I understand. Everything seems to be a mess. But it'll be alright." She took out a few herbs and started crushing it.

"He's still out flat. He's alive, but he's not here. Lucky." She said while looking outside, the sounds of war rapidly decreased after great bright purple light could be seen.

Anuk arrived into the throne room, being in the same room as Queen Luna yet again.

"One hundred and sixty four left, your Highness." Anuk stated, doing a bow much more properly.

"What happened, Anuk?" The Queen asks, a bit sceptical of what's happening.

"Your Highness, dear Sir Roland sends his regards to you, along with Creo, who slayed the vile monster." She said with a big smirk and happy attitude.

"Anuk, whatever he's promising you-"

"Oh no, it's not promises. I got to meet quite a few Dark Council members, who showed to me that I've, in fact, been giving it my all for absolutely nothing." Anuk stated.

The Queen rose up when the doors bursted open.

Silverskull came in, holding 2 purple balls swirling around his hand.

"Your Highness. Creo, the pleasure is mine." He states, the guards charged at him but he calmly snap his fingers and they disappeared.

"What happened to my men?" The Queen asked.

"Eyes here, Your Majesty. Now. Don't get us wrong-" as he spoke, he looked behind him and saw 5 other people walk into the room.

"-as I was saying, don't get me wrong, they're safe. Just stuck in what we call the 'Shadow Realm'. They see us, they hear us, but they can't interact or feel until I give the signal." He said, playing with the purple balls that's swirling around his body.

"What is it that you seek?" She asks.

"The real truth. But to make it even better, I'd like you to... Meet other Luna. Luna." He indicated to a young beautiful lady with blue hair. She did a little bow and then suddenly everyone was on a stage, with the whole town surrounding them, the stage was big enough for them.

Silverskull walks closer to the Queen.

"My Queen, be a good girl and tell them how you royally fucked everything up for Anuk. If you don't, we will and it'll look a lot worse than what you'll imagine." He said to her then stepped away.

"This is outrageous! Everyone, back to what you're doing." The Queen said to them.

"Are you the Queen?" A little girl asked and the Queen noticed.

"Of course I am." She replied

"Then where's your guards?" She asked.

She sighed, then looked at everyone who's also looking back at her.

"Greetings all. I am your Queen. I'm here today to make a confession. Anuk here, has been betraying me for these scoundrels who-" before she could say anything, Silverskull put his hand on her mouth, when he took it off, she had no mouth left.

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