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"Duman. You can train blondie."

Seeing that Ogron was busy humbling the fairies' leader, Anagan took it upon himself to split the remaining group into pairs.

"I have a name." Stella huffed, folding her arms over her chest.

"Right, my bad." Anagan stepped closer. "Stella, seeing how Duman somehow knew where to find you, I assume you are both well acquainted by now."

Stella glared at him before turning sharply on her heels, tugging Duman by his sleeve with her.

~Was that necessary, asshole?~

Duman hissed as he was dragged away.

~No. But it was funny.~

Anagan stifled a laugh as he watched his brother throw the middle finger at him before turning around.

~Yeah yeah, you won't be laughing when I tell lover boy, here, that you've been cuddling his girlfriend every night. IN MY BED. That's gross man.~

Anagan's smirk fell off his face, glancing at the dark-haired man who was eyeing him discretely.

~Genuinely hope that sandwich gave you salmonella.~

He heard Duman chuckle before leaving the telepathic link.

"Great," Anagan clapped his hands together, facing the group again, "moving on. Gantlos?"

"I'll take the music fairy." He said flatly and the pair walked off before Anagan could even authorise him to do so.

"Okay but I'm expecting a fully choreographed fight with a musical number by the end of the day!" He called after them.

"You're not funny." Gantlos said.

Anagan scoffed but turned to the youngest of the group. He was about to offer to train the little fairy, but when her eyes met his, all he saw was fear.

"Roxy. I'm sure those guys will show you some stuff," Anagan gestured to the specialists, and he saw her face relax, "and Flora you carry on with me."

Flora nodded, keen resume their typical routine. Though she would never say it, she had enjoyed the past few weeks with the wizards.

But an angry voice shattered her hopes of normality.

"Hold on, who are you to decide who my girlfriend spars with?" Helia stepped forward, squaring up to Anagan, even though his lean build looked weak in comparison to Anagan's muscular figure.

Anagan's eyes darkened as he stared him down.

"Glad you asked." His voice was low and threatening. "I'm the one who saved your girlfriend from being crushed by a burning building. I'm the one who built her up to be the fighter you saw kicking Ogron's ass up there. And she didn't get that way being told she was weak and incapable, not safe to breathe without the protection of her omnipotent boyfriend-"

"Saved her?" He shouted "You kidnapped her! You held her captive for months!"

"Helia-" Flora began, her face twisted with pain. She had never heard him so angry; it was frightening.

"Months, Flora! This is insane. Is no one else asking what the fuck is going on?!" His voice echoed around the training room and Flora felt her eyes well with tears.

"Alright, time out." Riven grabbed his friend by the shirt and pulled him away. "Helia, control yourself. And your ego!"

"Says you!" Helia shoved him away.

"Look, I'll admit it. I've done things that I've regretted all cos my ego got a bit bruised. But I'm trying my best. I'm trying to give Musa the space she needs. I'm trying to keep this group together, even though it hurts to see her every day and know that I lost her!"

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