Roxy awoke back in the familiar, silvery mist, weaving its way around her arms and legs. The light of the large harvest moon, cast an otherworldly glow on her body, alone on the sand.
She breathed in the cool, damp air carrying with it the briny scent of the sea.
How she loved this place.
She began to make her way towards the maze of towering trees that guarded her paradise from outsiders, the soft carpet of moss muffling each step.
This time, Roxy felt no fear of losing herself.
"Just look upwards." She whispered, staring through the canopy of gnarled, charcoal branches at the yellow harvest moon.
Her guide.
Finally, she reached the cliff edge, the large drop into the heart of Tír na nÓg looming in front of her.
And for the second time, she felt her breath get swept away as she took in her kingdom in all of its majesty: the lush meadows adorned with vibrant wildflowers that swayed gently in the breeze; crystal clear rivers meandering lazily through the hills; and at its centre, the giant tree, its strong branches reaching skyward, providing shelter to her people- the Earth fairies.
"Hello, sweetheart." She heard a familiar voice say.
"Morgana!" Roxy spun round to find her mother, the queen, waiting for her with open arms.
She stopped just in front of her, curtseying briefly.
"Mother," she corrected herself, before accepting her tight embrace.
Morgana laughed at the gesture. "There is no need for such formality, young one."
Roxy pulled away, her cheeks flushed as pink as her hair, a big grin on her face.
"I can't believe I will get to see you in person in only a few weeks! I can't believe this will be mine." She stared out at the beautiful landscape once again. "And you, the nice lady who protects me, I can't believe you're my mother."
Roxy instinctively ran her hand over the white ring she wore on her finger.
"I will forever regret not being present during your upbringing. But I have always watched over you through the white circle," Morgana held her face in her hand, "and I'm so proud of how far you've come, Roxy."
"Well, I didn't do it alone." Roxy said, suddenly more sombre than before. Guilt began to creep through her mind as she remembered the toll all of this had taken on her dad.
"I am eternally grateful to the man that raised you," Morgana smiled, "though he is not your true father, I believe you two are much alike."
Roxy wiped a stray tear from her eye. She had her father's compassion and charm, that's what everyone used to tell her. It hurt to think that it was only coincidence.
But Ogron, he had said something else.
"You have that same stubborn defiance. And perhaps worse... that same succumbing to fear..."
He was talking about the woman who stood before her now, her saviour, Morgana. However, Roxy hadn't seen this side to the kind, regal queen. She hoped she would never.
"Who is my real dad?" She asked, shaking the wizard's voice out of her head.
Morgana paused for a moment, considering her answer.
"Will you join me for a walk?"
The villages peered at her over their carts of fruit or stalls of fine tapestries, their faces etched with curiosity.

Fairies of The Black Circle
FanfictionHe'd once thought he could play their game: the hero and the villain. As long as their lines didn't cross. But in that moment, he felt the line separating their two sides blur. And that feeling, he wanted it to last forever. Wizards of the black cir...