"Are you ready?" Riven asked, his eyes searching her troubled face.
Roxy's eyes were locked on the proud general in front of them.
Slowly she shook her head.
Wordlessly, Riven squeezed her arm in reassurance but his gaze was drawn by another figure.
He watched as his best friend leapt into the far-right ranks, the whips from his gloves cracking through the air like lightning before finding their targets. He felt his stomach twist into knots as he watched Helia take life after life, anger fuelling his movements. Riven barely recognised him.
Roxy's warning rang through his mind.
One of us is a traitor.
Immediately, he banished the thought to the depths of his mind and set his jaw.
"We'll take Nebula. You guys go for the warriors behind her. I can give you some cover but wait for my signal." Bloom's voice whispered next to him.
Riven nodded. He pulled Roxy behind him.
"Stay close to me." He ordered darkly keeping his eyes glued to Bloom's.
They stayed still for a second longer, the tension in the air so strong he couldn't breathe.
Then it snapped. Bloom leapt into the air, her fist shining blood red.
"Supernova!" Her voice roared as she came crashing down, smashing her fist against the earth.
Riven burst into action, racing around the spell which began to shake the ground, growing into a fireball so large it eclipsed the moon above them. Behind him, he heard Roxy's pounding footsteps as she kept pace, and he felt his nerves settle slightly.
Purples and reds swirled around together as the spell grew and grew casting its light over his shoulders as he sprinted passed the stunned general.
The ground trembled and winds whipped back his hair. They were so close now; spear tips pointed right at his heart.
Then everything froze. Riven's eyes widened as he realised.
He spun around, his feet skidding in the dirt, as he wrapped his arms around Roxy.
"Get down!"
They crashed to the ground just in time.
The supernova erupted. The wave flew over him and exploded the faces of the warrior fairies. He watched in horror as their features melted away, their bodies instantly crumbling to ash. The first few lines were completely vapourised; not even enough time to scream.
But the ones behind were not as fortunate. Their charred bodies cried out hoarsely, thudding to the ground. Their spears clattered with them, the metal glowing red with heat. They were still alive, burnt beyond recognition.
His hand pressed against Roxy's eyes, preventing her from seeing the same.
The heat threatened to sear the flesh on his bones, and he had no choice but to squeeze his eyes shut until it subsided.
Eventually, they stood. Riven cast his gaze backwards, hopeful that that blast was enough to take out Nebula as well as the countless fairies in front of him.
Yet, there she stood, the tips of her gown a little singed but otherwise unharmed. Of course she made it.
"You alright, kid?" He asked Roxy, whose small frame was quivering uncontrollably at the sight before her.
Roxy's eyes were locked onto a singular charred flower, its blue glow almost completely eclipsed by ash. She slowly shook her head.
Of course she's not. Riven scolded himself for asking something so stupid.

Fairies of The Black Circle
FanfictionHe'd once thought he could play their game: the hero and the villain. As long as their lines didn't cross. But in that moment, he felt the line separating their two sides blur. And that feeling, he wanted it to last forever. Wizards of the black cir...