1. USA, UK, France, Aussie and New Zealand - A Christmas Reunion (Pt. 1)

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Part 1/2

For the first time in what felt like years, a beautiful white flurry of snow had fallen across the Victorian mansion, which made a pleasant change from the usual downpours that regularly occurred in rural Britain.

Watching the glittering snowflakes flutter to the ground, France gazed fondly at the woodland view the living room allowed her. It had been a while since she'd seen this natural majesty; the UK wasn't really known for this sort of weather, and she'd quite missed the peace snow brought ever since she'd left her own country so that the pair could moved in together - some considerable time ago now, she realised.

"Darling?" an impatient voice called from upstairs, "I don't suppose you've seen the wrapping paper, have you?"

"Cherie," France laughed, staring up the flight of stairs at her wife, "it's... you're holding it!"

"Oh... Well, thank you, dear..." As UK turned around slightly, her sleeve slipped a little, revealing a white, elastic wrapping around her left arm. This was a bit unusual, but with the kingdoms wreaking havoc these days, France had learned not to question abnormalities.

"Still wrapping, then?" she asked, shrugging off her concern.

The pair of them had bought their gifts for their four children weeks ago, France having wrapped hers immediately after purchasing them. UK, however, had put that task off until the very last moment, hence why she was stood drenched in sweat at the top of the stairs, hat gradually falling from her head, looking for wrapping paper she didn't know she had on 23rd December. Something else a little unusual... I suppose, since she's locked herself way so much, probably with work, she won't've had time... still strange, though...

"Unfortunately." Brit replied, sighing.

"What did I tell you! This isn't like you, you're usually more prepared, mon amor! This is what happens when you wait until the eleventh hour!"

"I know... I've just been busy lately. Anyway, I suppose I ought to finish, then..."

As it turns out, it isn't easy to wrap a sleigh, so Brit gave up on Canada's gift, resorting to sellotaping the gift tag to the seat, before exhaustedly moving on to the other gifts. This took a further two hours, largely because England and Scotland were having their fifth row that day, causing UK to receive yet another migraine.

As promised, the doorbell was rung at precisely five o'clock the following evening; the door opened to reveal a tall country with curly brown hair and a fluffy hat, as well as a mischievous smile. Wiping his heavy snow boots on the doormat, Canada hugged his parents and entered his childhood home, leaving his sack-full of gifts under the vast Christmas tree beside the fireplace.

Not long after, he was joined by Aussie and New Zealand, his two younger siblings, both of whom were grinning broadly and wearing ugly matching jumpers with light-up reindeer covering the entirety of the pair of them. Lastly, a few hours later, the party was completed by the eldest sibling, USA, who somehow entered the house without needing the key and plopped himself down on the sofa, brushing out what appeared to be alarmingly bright violet paint from his usually neon-blue hair.

"Ame, what on Earth-"

"Florida and Ohio."


"So anyway, how've y'all been?" Ame asked, beaming at his family and squeezing UK's arm.

What followed were bizarre tales of lockdowns, of Spain babysitting Aussie's koalas, of workplace stresses and of laser kiwis invading the South Pacific. The reunited family chatted for hours, the conversation wandering considerably, finally ending a debate over the spelling of 'colour'.

"I know how to solve this issue!" France beamed unusually brightly.

"By agreeing I'm right?" Ame smirked.

"No... by just speaking French!"

"France, no," UK sighed. "Last time I spoke French, I accidentally ordered 'soixante croissant' instead of 'six croissant' and I still haven't recovered from the trauma of having to live with sixty of your weird pastries for goodness knows how long until I disposed of them all! I cannot and will not go through that agony again!"

"Pfft-" Nada giggled in spite of himself, quickly adding, "Sorry, Mum, but you really do need to improve your French. And you, Ame!"

"Hey! I speak French!" Ame huffed indignantly.

"Ok then, do it!"

"Err..." US stammered, "Je suis... un... pamplemousse?"

"That means 'I am a grapefruit'."

"Oops. Welp."

"Anyway, let's move on," New Zealand smirked, barely able to contain her laughter, "Does anyone want some cake? I've been baking especially!"

"Yes please, dear!" Brit smiled, Aussie nodding in excited agreement. The family tucked into their chocolate sponge cakes, until with an ear-splitting clatter, Aussie dropped his plate, rushing to his feet.

"Aus, what's wrong?" Zea asked hesitantly, already suspecting what'd happened.

"He's gone!"

"Who's gone, bro?" Ame asked, adjusting his sunglasses, now slightly on edge.



"Aussie's tarantula," Zea explained, giggling amusedly at UK's high-pitched squeal. "Don't worry, he doesn't bite, Mum."

"H-how do you know?" UK sniffed, pulling her legs into her chest.

To be continued...

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