4. Iceland - Ash and Snow

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In terms of the picture above, if you know you know (: Also, this mentions real-life events in which some people died, so possible TW?


"How many flights are being cancelled?"

"95,000 globally."


"No exact figure yet... More than 30,000, though."

"Ok... Thank you, Reykjavik."

"No problem, boss... Good luck."

Sighing, Iceland finally placed his Nokia back in his satchel, despairing of the chaos. It had been only a few days since the Eyjafjallajökull volcano erupted; already the Northern hemisphere was in chaos, as was his nation. Speaking of his nation, the death toll was yet to be fully counted, even now. It was 36,000 at last count. He hoped that would be the end of it all...

That was the last of the necessary diplomatic phone calls... There would be no more news today now, not at this time of night... Speaking of which, it was only one hour until midnight. Perhaps Iceland ought to get some sleep now? He should, after all this stress, he knew that... but how could he? There was no way he was getting any rest, not after this tragedy... but what more could he even do before morning?

Shaking the frost and ash from his blonde mop of hair, Iceland trudged back along the twisting woodland paths, back to the only place he felt he could go on a day as dreadful as this.

Shivering in the pitch-black midnight silence, he pushed the small button on the doorframe of the remote stone building, which was barely visible, even by torchlight despite its immense size. A soft 'ding' echoed throughout the night, causing a lamp somewhere upstairs to flicker into life. It didn't take long before footsteps could be heard on creaking floorboards and before he knew it, a grim-faced Norway was stood in the porch, gazing at Iceland, his expression unreadable.

"Hey, little bro," he grinned bemusedly, "We were expecting you."

"Yeah... Sorry it's so late..."

"Eh, none of us were really asleep anyway. Want a hot chocolate?"

For the next half an hour, all five of the Nordic brothers were curled up with a steaming cup of cocoa, sharing blankets between them on the squishy, brown leather sofa. Unusually, there was no light-hearted chatter or sibling bickering or jokes being cracked tonight; this was the only time in Iceland's memory that his brothers had been quiet, all four of their faces distorted with concern, making them look far older than their usual youthful appearances.

At last, Sweden, finishing his drink, broke the silence, leaning over and squeezing his younger brother's shoulder.

"It'll be ok Iceland, I promise."

"How do you know?"

"It always is. As long as we're here to support each other, it always will be."

At these words, Iceland felt salty tears sting his eyes as he subconsciously played with the zip on his heavy fur jacket, a million thoughts swirling around his mind. His people... So many civilians dead... and what of his towns and cities? What of all of those people now stranded without a way to return to their country after the flight cancellations? He was helpless now... he could only hope the morning would bring better news to his citizens...

"Iceland? Are you ok?"

"I-I don't know, Swede..."



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