11. Denmark And Greenland - Hello, Brother

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Hello! This book was - as you may know - complete, however I got a request that I found really interesting and wanted to do. In this specific AU, Denmark and Greenland are brothers, rather than father and son.

TW: Mentions of coronavirus/lockdown


One year after the chaos had began, the lockdown was finally over. Smiling to himself, Denmark gazed around the Autumnal park, which, though still quiet, no longer felt empty or abandoned. Groups of humans now gathered on benches below the ruby-red maple trees dotted around the park, chatting excitedly to one another, despite the glum weather.

"Denmark!" someone yelled as the gate into the park swung open with a jarring creak. Grinning to himself, Denmark turned around, running over to the entrance from beside the fountain in spite of himself.

"Hi, Greenland!" he laughed, "Been a while, hasn't it?"

"Ages," Greenland agreed, bending down a little towards his brother. Denmark opened his arms, ready to embrace his brother-

-and Greenland bent down a little further, patting him on the head.

"Seriously?!" Den groaned, "Greenland, I'm not that short!"

"It's not my fault you're tiny!" Greenland laughed, resting his arm on top of his brother's head.


Someone in my class actually said that once-

"If you insist."

Groaning, Denmark grabbed his brother's hand, pulling him - with some considerable effort - across the park to a nearby building, which was painted bright blue and surrounded by several tables decorative, each of which was covered in mountains of sweet treats, the smell of which drifted across Copenhagen in the breeze, enticing humans out of their homes.

"Look, new cake shop! They have sticky buns!" Den grinned, "But, you'll have to behave if you want one!"

"Hey, I'm not a three-year-old!" Greenland whined, "Den, you're so possessive sometimes!"

"Well," Den smiled, "though I am your brother, I am foremost your boss-"

"You know what?" Greenland sighed, "I'll buy myself one. That way I can keep calling you a garden gnome as much as I like. Deal?"

"Garden gnome?!" Denmark huffed, "Brother, you know what? I think lockdown made me miss my family, miss this even, but now I can see that maybe isolation wasn't that bad after all."


As the pair tucked in to their sticky cherry buns, they couldn't help but grin at the humans around them, chattering and laughing in the open air for the first time in months, some discussing the pandemic, others discussing funny cat videos or the latest memes. It was a simple sight, yet one that had not been witnessed in over a year.

"What about you?" Greenland piped up suddenly, licking the frosting from his hands.

"What do you mean?"

"Have you seen those cat videos? Y'know, the ones France keeps sending to everyone?"

"Oh, yeah. Her cat looks like a demon, though."

"Mmm," Greenland nodded.

The pair sat in silence for a moment, contemplating the very important matter of how unlikeable France's cat was, when suddenly Greenland seemed to notice something; the taller brother squirmed in his seat for a moment, glancing bemusedly above him and letting out a soft groan.

"'Sup?" Den asked, giggling a little at Greenland's seemingly random moodiness.

"It's about to rain," Greenland sighed, "I better be off. Tell Nor, Fin and Swede I said hi to them."

"Will do," Den nodded, the pair of them standing up, Denmark leaning in and hugging his brother's knee, while Greenland ruffled his hair in return.

"Bye," Greenland grinned.

"Goodbye, brother. Good luck out there in this weather."

With nothing more than a nod of the head, Greenland was gone, leaving Denmark alone once again, umbrellaless in the rain.

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