7. Japan - Mount Fuji

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This was definitely not going according to plan; as usual, Japan had seated herself at the back of the United Nations meeting room, beside USA, and had waited for the Weekly Briefing to begin. Firstly, UN himself was late (weird...), then his PowerPoint crashed (too many special effects, EU had told them as they all watched UN struggle), then - to top it all off - an embarrassed-looking US state rushed into the room halfway through the chaos, only to announce that America's house was on fire and full of crocodiles.

"I... Everyone, go home," UN had sighed, giving in after only fifteen minutes.

With that, the nations returned home, most to their homeland, some to each other's homes. Japan, like most of the others, wandered down the winding, blossom-speckled paths of her home nation, back to her own house, beside a glittering lake, surrounded by wildlife.

Grinning, she tucked her periwinkle hair behind her ears and rifled through a laundry basket, pulling out a recently washed t-shirt and jeans after a few moments of digging. Hoping her outfit wouldn't be too warm in the June heat, Japan loaded a packed lunch and several bottles of water into her backpack.

You see, the free day off was most definitely ideal; it meant that Japan would have a day's worth of extra time to finally begin her ascent of Mount Fuji. Adrenaline pulsing through her veins, she stared up to Fujisan, which loomed above her in all of its gorgeous might.

At long last, she began her ascent.

It took her hours, but at last she reached her desired spot, near the top of the sacred mountain, overlooking a nearby glistening lake. Wiping the sweat from her brow, she glanced around her, taking in the light snow that glittered in the Summer sunlight and the noble, jagged peak of the sacred volcano. Despite having been gone for a year, Japan found everything just as she remembered, like a snow globe, frozen in time for eternity...

After what felt like hours, the peaceful silence was fractured by the vibration of her phone.

Not again... I thought it was on silent...

This was perhaps one of the worst possible times for her to accidentally leave her phone on, but now that she was aware of the message, she couldn't really ignore it. Besides, she didn't want her own curiosity bugging her for the entirety of the rest of her sacred commute. Reluctantly, Japan pulled her phone from her rucksack, grimacing apologetically at Fujisan as she did.

America. Typical... He's so... obsessive, sometimes. I think he does the same to Taiwan... Not that I care about Taiwan... Now what does Ame want?

Scanning through the message, Japan shrugged and put her phone away, returning to admiring her amazing landscape. After all, Ame only needed to borrow 10 Yen, something that could definitely wait.

Thinking this, she wondered exactly how long she would be; it was late afternoon already, and darkness crept closer by the second... She ought to head back soon...

With that, the adventurous nation loaded her rucksack onto her back once again and headed for home.

Sorry, no major plot in this one, but I didn't know what to write and wanted to do something culturally significant, so here we are!

Thanks for reading! :)

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