3. Italy - Pizzeria Professor

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Italy was disgusted; she'd taken what she believed to be a luxury holiday to California for two weeks in sunny San Francisco as a break from her work. Enamoured with the gorgeous environment and aromas of the city, she had booked a table at a high-end pizzeria on the coast that she knew was popular with her fellow nations, hoping it would appeal to her most tasteful of palettes too. She was also aware that a lot of these countries had come to visit the city this Summer as well, so Italy found herself dining alongside Germany and Japan, both of which were staying in neighbouring hotels to hers.

The three curiously perused the menus, which were... questionable, by Italy's standards, but at least her and her fellow nations had better taste than these Americans apparently had (boba pizza, whatever next!).

Approximately fifteen minutes later, the waiter - a bored-looking US state with a strange flannel shirt - came to take their order. In true Italian fashion, Italy wasted no time in ordering a Margherita, a personal favourite of her and her people's.

"Hmm..." Germany muttered, scanning through the menu one final time, "I would like the... tuna as mein topping, please."

Tuna?! What was he thinking?!

"For me," Japan smiled, "Well, I'll have the mayonnaise, please!"

[Got this information from Google; I don't actually know if those topping are actually as popular as it says]

Mayonnaise... Tuna... How dare they...

Italy's best friends had betrayed her in the foulest fashion! How dare they commit such atrocities against her culture!

Weeks later, after their return, she vowed to make a change. Renting out the UN conference room, she summoned both Germany and Japan - plus both of their capitals - to the 'imperative conference'.

"Hello fellow nations, welcome to the Grand Pizza Meeting! Today I will be educating you on the correct way to make and dress a pizza!"

"Italy, I have places to be and this is wasting my time," Germany sighed, already exhausted from all of the paperwork he'd been doing for EU that morning and not ready to put up with Italy's sudden pickiness.

"Pizza is never a waste of time!" Italy snapped. "Sit down!"

"Is this... y'know... necessary?" Japan asked hesitantly, glancing over at the three capitals, who were all (Rome included) using their phones under the desks to spam the Capital Cities Group Chat with Brexit memes for no apparent reason.

"Of course it's necessary!" Italy barked back, producing a pi chart seemingly from thin air. "This represents poor pizza choices for us three collectively. As you can see, you two have all but a tenth to yourselves combined..."

"I'm leaving," Berlin sighed, "Ich have a meeting. Goodbye."

"Don't leave!" Rome yelled after him half-heartedly, before seating himself once again, secretly enjoying this strange spectacle less than anyone else present.

This bizarre meeting went on for hours, so long in fact that Rome had managed to teach Tokyo how to fully complete a pizza in the time that Italy had been lecturing Germany and Japan (who were both asleep, Tokyo noticed). At last, UN returned to his room to prepare for tomorrow's Global Conference, thus kicking everyone out of his room for the day, but thanking them for the pizzas left behind.

"And what have we learned?" Italy glared expectantly at her friends.

"Not to take you out to dinner."


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