Episode 4

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Duncan had his head on the table trying to go back to sleep while I was using his shoulder as a pillow. I had told the others it would take me a few days to get my energy back after that stupid challenge. Which they were all okay with.

"Shylo, Duncan, you both look like death dudes." Chris said to me and Duncan. This caused us both to lift our heads up and glare at him.

"Ya really wanna find out McLean?" I asked him while still glaring at him.

"Stick it!" Duncan told him. I put my head back onto Duncan's shoulder trying to go back to sleep.

"Harold snored all night." Courtney told Chris.

"Wow. Four nights with no sleep, how much are you hurting dudes?" Chris asked us.

"Wanna find out?" Duncan said glaring at Chris, not moving so my head is still on his shoulder.

"No, no it's cool, it's cool." Chris replied quickly so Duncan could put his head back down which he did. That's when Harold walked in causing everyone but me and Duncan to gasp. Then when he sat down everyone started giggling.

"Okay, what?" Harold asked.

"Someone messed with your face dude." Geoff told him. Harold picked up a spoon and used it as a mirror and saw the drawings of a mustache on his face. Which me and Duncan did as retaliation for his snoring.

"Hey sweet stash." Harold said while looking at the spoon.

"Hey everyone! It's Gwen." Chris said, that caused the Gophers to start cheering a bit too loudly.

"I'm so tired, I can't feel my face." Gwen said before she slammed her head into the table.

"Hey fish heads way to kick out your strongest player. Why don't you just give up now?" Heather said taunting us, which Courtney threw food at Heather but she dodged and it hit Gwen.

"Missed me." Heather said, which caused me to stand up and decked her with my right hand right in the face.

"Shut the F up Heather! Or I swear you'll be in the hospital!" I said to her while glaring at her with some of my hair in front of my face.

"You hit me!" Heather cried out.

"Oh of course I did you idiot! Now quit being a female dog, and start being actually nice! Cause I only had 5 hours of sleep since the last challenge. You really want to see me ticked off? Keep it up and you will Heather." I told her, while popping my knuckles even the one with her blood on it. I took a few breaths and sat back down, putting my head back on Duncan's shoulder.

"Should've shut up Heather." Gwen said smiling that I decked Heather.

"Good job princess. Hot how you cracked your knuckles even with Heathers blood on one hand." Duncan said to me quite proud from the sound of it.

"She wouldn't shut up, plus she was being a female dog." I told him kinda blushing cause he thought what I did was hot.

"Okay campers, listen up, your next challenge begins in 10 minutes. And be prepared to bring it." Chris said to us all.

*Time skip to the dodgeball area*

Me and Duncan are behind everyone and we both lay down, me being on top of him, me using Duncan's back as a pillow on the bleachers.

"Wake us up and it'll be the last thing you do." Duncan says threatening them for both of us, slamming his head down while I gently put my head in the middle of his back. I fell asleep quickly. I don't know how long I was asleep for but I felt like I was being poked, this caused me to growl about a few seconds later I felt them again. I grabbed whatever was poking me and I stood up glaring.

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