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A/N: During dinner at Damien's..

*playing around with his food* well today was boring as fuck, I didn't even do anything other than sleep, unpack, and go to the store to buy a bunch of stuff that I had to carry inside. Sure I used my telekinesis but still. Wait.. that boy, Pip. Why can't I stop thinking about him?

His long blonde hair that shone from the sun coming from outside the window, his sparkly blue eyes, those rose pink cheeks, his oddly perfect legs, that bright smile, and that.. accent. I felt my lips curl into a smile as I chuckled a little which was really rare for me to do.

"Damien Thorn!" my head shot up towards my mom who claimed she had been trying to get my attention. "How many times have I told you not to play around with your food! Your 16 years old Damien, this shouldn't be a problem anymore" she fussed at me like always. I finally took a bite out of my food and after a while decided to ask my father the question that kept bothering me.

"Hey, dad? what does it mean when someone can't stop thinking about a certain person?" I regretted asking instantly after seeing that stupid smirk take over his face. "Why? Have you met someone already?~" he dropped his fork, leaning his head on his hand.

"I- no. never-mind dad" I shook my head about to stand up to put my plate away. "Hold on" I heard him say making me stop and slowly sit back down. "Usually when someone can't get someone else out of their mind it means that you probably have feelings for them, most likely love"

My eyes lightly widened. "Oh, thanks, I guess" he nodded finally letting me walk away to go to bed.

I laid in my bed staring at the sealing. Could I have really fallen for a mortal? not just a mortal, a boy, the same gender as me! I can't be a 'homosexual' (I think that's what it's called).

What if my parents find out?? wait- what are the chances of me meeting him again? I mean sure it's a small town but I couldn't possibly bump into him again, right?

1 week later

"Bye, dad-!" I opened the door but of course he had to stop me. "Wait! Your lunch, I can't risk having you get food poising from those cheap lunches" I sighed rolling my eyes. I took the brown bag out of his hand and hummed before starting to walk away once again. "where's my hug?"

I groaned quickly stomping towards him and hugging him before rushing out of the door so he couldn't say anything else. I exhaled leaving to my first day in real, public school.

I sat in the principals office as directed with a loud silence until we heard the door squeak open and some footsteps walking towards us. Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.. "Pip, this is Damien Thorn our new student here at South Park high" I rolled my eyes as the principal signaled towards me before Pip finally noticed me.

"Your going to be his guide since your the only- how do I put this.. um- much less of a retard in this school" guide? that means he's gonna have to be with me all the time! ugh, I hate this already. "well certainly! see, me and Damien here have already met before" he gave us a nod letting us walk out of that room and into the empty hallways.

"It's nice to see you again Damien! shall we go check out the cafeteria?" he asked pointing to the left where I'm guessing the cafeteria is located. I shrugged starting to walk towards the direction he pointed to. "Well alrighty then, cafeteria it is!"

After a while of boring stuff and I don't know what else because I kept spacing out and in my own little demon world.

"And that's about it! well I guess the only thing you haven't seen is the classrooms from the inside because they're in use right now but when they're done being used I'm sure you you can go ahead and check them out!" he quickly said totally avoiding eye contact with me and slightly giggling.

"Uh-huh" was all I could say as I nodded before the bell rang and the empty echoing hallways turned into loud chatters and footsteps. "Well, I hope to see you around more Damien hopefully we can be friends-!" he was cutoff by a loud voice of a over weight boy walking up to us.

"Hey frenchy, who's this? Your new boyfriend?~ ha! who am I kidding, who would want to date a looser like you!" with that he pushed Pip's hat off making Pip stumble a little. He sighed before picking up his hat adjusting it back on his head. "for the last time, I am not French Eric" I mean.. I guess it's easy to get his accent a little confused but this Eric dude looked like he was mocking Pip.

"Yeah, sure your not" I just stood there seeing them go back and forth about french people. A boy with a green hat that had fluffy red hair sticking out of it then walked up and stood next to Pip. He looked like he was glaring at the boy with a red sweater. "For god's sake fatass leave Pip alone he's not doing shit to you idiot"

They both walked away after 'fatass' had rolled his eyes and mimicked the boy calling him a stupid Jew. "what was that about?" I looked back at Pip who was fidgeting with his fingers.

"Huh? Oh- uh- yeah, the one with red was Eric Cartman and the one with the hat was Kyle Broflovski they both used to bully me in 4th grade with two other kids but they matured, at least Stan, Kyle, and Kenny. Cartman hasn't and I don't think he ever will"

I felt my eyes softened at his low voice tone. He looked up at me and quickly brought that bright smile back. "Well the principal gave me this paper and it seems like your first class is science! I'll lead the way for you, don't worry"

I followed him like he told me to and while walking up the stairs he asked me something.

Now that I'm closely looking at Damien, he seems.. different. "You have quite a particular look" I say and regretted it when I saw the disgusted look appear on his face. "What'd you just say?" My eyes widened and I stopped at the top of the stairs panicking.

"Wait- no! I didn't mean it in an offensive or bad way, I actually think your red eyes are delightfully lovely" They really were. They fit him perfectly, his black hair goes so nicely with his pale skin. I smiled softly at the slight red that showed up on his cheeks. I laughed a little while covering my mouth.

He's so cute.

Words: 1189Date: 06/14/23Time: 6:32AM

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Words: 1189
Date: 06/14/23
Time: 6:32AM

I'm so sorry it took so long for the next part😭

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