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WARNING: some Angst at the end😈

I was walking down the hallways, late for my 5th period class before I heard some girls giggling. I got curious, deciding to peak from the corner just to see the girl who Pip called 'Estella' the girl that he.. likes.. "are you seriously gonna invite that freak to your party?" the one with raven hair said scoffing. "Ugh, you mean the blonde one with the weird ass name?" the ginger one muttered with a quite frankly over exaggerated disgusted tone. "It's not like I actually like him, I just wanna make a hilarious scene out of him" Estella crossed her arms shrugging.

Wait.. is she talking about Pip? They have to be, blonde, weird ass name- not that I think his name is weird just most people would, it's not even his name. Just a rude nickname. "Oh, thank god, I thought there was something mentally wrong with you for a second- I wanna finna say" the raven head laughed covering her mouth. I processed what I just heard before stumbling back a little, grunting as I stopped myself from falling. "What the hell was that?" I heard one of them ask looking over to the corner where I had been hiding. I covered my mouth trying to control my breathing. I didn't want to be known as a stalker demon.

"It's whatever, let's just go" Estella rolled her eyes turning around and starting to walk away as the other two followed her like she was their owner and they were her puppies. I let out a deep breath and put my hands on my knees breathing heavily, I didn't know that I was holding back that much air. I inhaled leaving my head back on the lockers looking up at the ceiling. What do I do now? Do I just go ahead and.. tell Pip?.. I mean, of course I don't want him to get used like this, especially not by the girl he likes.

But I couldn't just do that out of no where- how do I even start a conversation about 'oh your crush is trying to play with you', then that'd make me sound totally jealous. Which I sorta am but still. Who could I ask for advice?.. Dad?.. yeah, he's helped me before. Surely he could help now. I sighed relieved that I had someone to talk to, then I remembered.. Now I'm even more late to class!- ugh my curiosity is so annoying. I ran down the echoing hallways and headed into History class. "What's your excuse?" the teacher, Mr. Jacobs asked. I fidgeted with my red jacket that I still wore since the day he bought it for me. "I- was.. um- I had to stay with another teacher, for a chat" I lied quietly.

"What teacher?"

"..Mrs. Davidson.."

"Nice try, she called in sick today, come up with a better lie next time and go to your seat before you get lunch detention."

I inhaled deeply, clenching my jaw trying so hard not to make a smart remark or roll my eyes at him. I sat down at my usual seat crossing my arms annoyed as I stared up at the board trying to focus on the class. I looked over at Pip who was giving me a comforting smile, my gaze softened, my mouth made a slight gap, and heat rises up to my face. I look away bitting my lip, how can someone be so beautiful, cute, hot, and kind all at the same time? It's not fair.. but I love it so much. Three periods later it was finally time to leave this lame and intolerable place. I was walking out of school when I felt two arms wrap around me, it was Phillip. I tensed up staying like that for some time with my hands by my side, my heart kept beating faster to the point where it was hitting my rib cage. "What are you?.." I whispered when he pulled away, "Sorry, just needed to do that- for you know, being my friend and all.." he half shrugged smiling with the corner of his lips, the lips I've been craving so badly. "Oh, yeah.. that makes sense-?"

I got cut off by Gregory "so what you two love birds doing? Hm?~" he teased crossing his arms while grinning, I sucked my teeth in annoyance, looking away. "that's so fruity" Christophe mumbled leaning on the school's brick wall. "You cannot be talking" I scoffed, "Weren't you and Gregory" I pushed Gregory with force towards Christophe, now his body was touching Christophe's while Gregory had his arm on the wall.

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