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For the fanart Creds to: stick_palka46 on Instagram

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For the fanart Creds to: stick_palka46 on Instagram. (I chose this one not only because it's beautiful but also cause the heigh difference is so funny but accurate. This is the height difference I picture when writing these chapters)
3rd person:
Christophe and Gregory were in the front seats with Pip, Damien and Pocket in the back. Gregory had been tryin to get Christopher's attention all day but he had been ignoring him since he had found a valentines 'love' letter from another girl in Gregory's bag. "You can't still be mad about that, you've never cared about the other people that had always flirted with me" Gregory looked genuinely upset having his boyfriend distance himself away.

"Dude, maybe cause the note was weirder than anything anyone had ever said to you before" Christophe finally spoke, sitting up in his seat. "How's that his fault?" Damien interfered as he looked in between them, "stay out of it" they both said at the same time before lookin back at eachother. "Wow, I'm never helping you again" Damien rolled his eyes and fell back in his seat, crossing his arms as he mumbled things underneath his breath.

"Don't worry, Damien. They'll figure it out, it's sorta- not new" Pocket shrugged, "I know that but Christophe is taking this too seriously-?" "I can still hear you, you son of a btch" Christophe interrupted Damien and shot his head towards them before looking back out the window. Gregory started to get irritated with Christophe's ignorance.

It was understandable why Christophe was angry about the note, it had things that were— sexual to say the least but for him to not listen to Gregory's explanation and apologies was a different thing and frankly, Gregory was tired of it.

"..look, I'll just tell her that I got extremely lucky and already have a beautiful boyfriend who's also my valentine" he moved some of Christophe's hair out of his face and grabbed onto chin, trying to he his usual 'golden retriever' and patient self. Christophe actually looked up at him, his hateful look remaining as he hesitated on what to say next.

"Whatever." He ended up up muffling, his voice had only slightly softened but Gregory was the only one to notice. This of course made Gregory less tense and couldn't hold back a smile. "Can you just drive already and stop trying to get a BJ?" Damien tried joking but then received a hard ass nudge on his arm from Pip, "Ow- it's true!?" He rubbed the spot where he had gotten hit.

"Already did that" the three younger boys shot their gaze towards Gregory when he said that so recklessly. "..shut the fck up, they're gonna think you're for real" Christophe whispered, "oh, am I not?" Right after that Gregory felt a rough punch in the gut. "Okay- damn!?" He said in between coughs and grabbed onto his stomach, "don't listen to him, he's idiotic and autistic" he paused, "he may have some brain damage too."

Christophe stared at himself in the mirror as he fluffed his hair up a little, he then sucked his teeth and frowned. "I look like a doofus" he was wearing his usual emerald color, it was just a different T-shirt. He had a skull necklace and was wearing eyeliner underneath his eyes. (Idk if I ever mentioned this but Christophe has an eyebrow piercing😭)

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