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3rd person:
"Don't talk about her like that" Pip sharply said, upset that Damien would say something like that about the most beautiful girl he had ever laid eyes on. "What?- Pip she's trying to hurt you" Damien muttered, his eyebrows arching as he was surprised and distressed at Pip's sudden voice change. "Hurt me? She wouldn't hurt me- no, she has to care about me" he said the last part with a more unsure tone than confident. "Right?.." he mumbled, "dammit Pip, accept that she doesn't want you- she wants to play with your heart" he poked Pip's chest, concerned.

"She? No, you- you're the one who wants to play with me.. this is what it was all about, huh?" He clenched his jaw and pushed Damien's finger off. "Me?? Seriously?- dude why would I play with you?" He scoffed crossing his arms, his voice getting louder as everyone turned their heads to look at the scene. "I don't know- maybe cause your Satan's son" he hissed with frustration, Damien suddenly felt all his love for Pip leave and get replaced with hatred. "Well it's not my fault you trust ANYONE AND EVERYONE FOR NO REASON" He yelled and glared at Pip with fire starting to form on his fists.

That hatred was replace yet again but with guilt once he saw Pip's totally hurt and devastated face. His eyes tearing up and his lips quivering as he held back tears. Damien's gaze softened and the fire went out, his fists went back to normal and he slowly got closer to Pip. "Phillip I really didn't.." he started and moved his hand close to Pip's cheek, about to cup his face. He flinched once he felt the smack that moved his hand away, "no, I get it" he murmured. "Pip seriously I didn't mean it-.." Damien began but he felt a hand place on his shoulder.

He turned around, now being face to face with Gregory as Christophe was behind him. Gregory shook his head, signaling for him to stop speaking and let Pip go for now. Damien sighed and turned back to Pip who had turned around and stared walking away. Everyone who was watching was dumbfounded, shocked as well. (This escalated too quickly☠️) "What the hell was that??" Christophe asked, "I- I don't know, I tried doing what Gregory said but like-?" Damien spoke quickly, pacing back and forth. He was afraid of loosing his best friend, no- more than that.. his first love. Gregory inhaled, "alright look.. Pip clearly is just in denial, he can't believe that his crush would hurt him" Gregory shrugged with a worried look in his eyes. "You two literally just argued for the stupidest reason ever, why do you even car-?" Christophe said crossing his arms before Gregory nudged him, giving him a 'you better shut up' look.

Christophe groaned, "Damien the best you can do is let him get some alone time, and explain everything tomorrow or some other day" Gregory sighed, trying to comfort Damien the best he could while Christophe had a confused and annoyed look. "I really didn't wanna hurt him- It was my anger issues I swear.. sometimes I can't control what I say or do.." Damien hugged himself, looking down and now the guilt inside of him growing by the second as his eyes started to sting. "I get not being able to manage your anger Damien, it happens to all of us at some point" Gregory reassured him but Christophe scoffed. "Especially Christophe" he grinned down at Christophe who glared up at him. Damien chuckled weakly at their relationship, his mind still wondering off to Pip though. What could he be doing right now?.. he thought to himself.
"And- he said I trust people too easily- I can't help it tho?- I don't really.." Pip spoke with a shaky voice and tears running down his face as he hugged himself. Pocket frowned, "maybe he didn't mean it?.." Pocket shrugged, tilting his head. "I mean.. I'm not sure- he looked really angry.." Pip sighed and leaned his head back. "Well he is a demon, and you brought up his dad.. it's understandable why he would be angry at that, because most people judge him and his dad out of no where" Pocket said softly. Pip stayed silent for a moment, he started feeling guilt too. "Something just took over me, the thought of Estella hurting me- as Damien said really.. stressed me out and.." Pip groaned putting his head down.

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