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"He was kissing a boy!" I heard my mom yell out of frustration as she signaled towards me while I sat on my bed with my parents in front of me. "Sweetheart, maybe calm down?" My dad put his hand on her shoulder, I seriously can't believe I got myself into this. I was gathering up the courage to tell mom and dad- well mostly mom since dad probably already knew, but it just scared me.

"Calm down?" she scoffed, "how can I calm down when my only son isn't into the right gender?" what does 'right gender' even mean?? "It's not all bad, I've met that boy before— he's awfully sweet, I promise" my dad had always tried to solve things with my mom in the nicest way possible. "I don't care how nice he is-?" she paused, "Oh, so you knew about this?" she crossed her arms at my father as her nails clenched her leather sleeves.

"He only met Phillip, I didn't tell him I was dating him either" what the fuck?? Why did I just step up like that, I mean I'm glad I got to defend my dad for once but the look in my mom's eyes made me freeze. Is that really how I look at people?..  "You're not gonna be dating him for long" my stomach dropped at those words, can't believe she just murdered me with that one sentence. Damn. "What do you mean?" I mumbled, arching my eyebrows. "That's what me and your dad wanted to talk to about, we're going back to hell".

..she can't be for real, "seriously!?- mom, right when I actually start making friends for once in my life you're just gonna take it away by going back to that inferno??" Literally. "Damien watch your mouth." She scowled, "We're not fully sure yet, son- y'know it's getting kinda messed up down there without me but if you wanna stay then-." My dad tried to make the situation better cause I know he knows how much I love Pip. "Uh-uh, don't try to baby him out of it!- that's why he thinks he can go around kissing little blondes" she sarcastically said the last part.

I looked in between them as they started talking about something in a lower voice, I'm seriously not going back to hell. This is where I found a group I can actually fit in with, I found the boy of my dreams here— cringe but still. Then they both turned back to me, "you are going to introduce me to this boy" those words made the corner of my lips curl, "and he better be good enough" she finished and I couldn't help but stand up and pull her close.

It was weird feeling my mom this close to me since we never actually had mother-son time. "Don't get exited" even though that scared me a little there was still a possible chance of me being able to stay here. With him. "Bring him here after school tomorrow" I couldn't help but snicker while I rapidly nodded up at her, she rolled her eyes with her hands on her hips before walking out.

"I was able to convince her" my father sat next to him, giving me a comforting smile. I hummed and nodded before a random thought escaped my mouth "how did you feel when you met mom?" I glanced up at him, his gaze softened and his smile only got sweeter. "I felt something I had never felt before." He really didn't hesitate and I know why, he's always admired my mom. Supported her through everything, he helped her calm down when ever she got too stressed or frustrated. Crazy how even Satan himself found someone he could love and never let go of.

"Why do you ask?" he snapped me out of it, "uh..just wondering.." I shrugged. "Don't stress to much about it, Pip is a great boy and now that I know you're with him I'm not gonna try and get in between that. I'm sure you're mother is gonna get used to it cause even though she may seem like a raging ball of anger right now, she will still love you no matter what— that I know".

Those words calmed my nerves, he wasn't lying. Even though my mom was mostly anger issues she can be sweet at times. Rare times (I'm joking) but still. "thanks for that.." I murmured and received a nod from my dad.
"Meet Pip?" Christophe raised an eyebrow, "so you two kissed and got caught" Gregory pointed at me and Pip with two fingers. "I- yea?? But it's not like we wanted it to happen-?" I tried objecting, "we're coming with you" I shot my head towards Christophe. "What the hell are you talking about?" I furrowed my eye, "if you two go alone it'll be a disaster" he shrugged and crossed his arms.

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