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It was dinner and all I could think about was the time I spent with Pip. The way he looked at me just felt so.. I don't know.. special. No one's ever done stuff like that with me. Why'd he kiss me? we just me.. It's not like I'm gonna complain. His lips were so warm and soft. I want to feel them again, just this time on my own lips.

"Damien!" I hummed in response looking up at my mother. "why are you playing with your food again? and what's this about a new friend?" she raised an eyebrow crossing her arms. "Oh.. yeah, uh- his name is Pip.. he's British and... nice I guess" I muttered the last part.

My mom stayed silent for a moment. "And what's this about him kissing you?" she asked squinting her eyes. "Dad!" I whined knowing he's the one that let her know. "Look, Má.. it was just a.. friend kiss I swear" I tried to sound as convincing as possible because I know how my mom feels about the same gender being.. well, together.

"Yeah, it better have been" she said angrily going back to eating. There was a loud silence for a while before my dad spoke. "Now I see where you get your anger from son" he joked making both me and my mom turn our heads towards him at the same time glaring. "Sorry! Sorry" my dad quickly said clearing his throat.

After eating I washed my plate and went upstairs to the bathroom. I took a quick shower before brushing my teeth. I fell back on my bed sighing staring at the ceiling once more, I closed my eyes and the first thing that came to my mind was that golden hair. I quickly opened my eyes confused why he was the only thing that came to mind.

I remembered that while at the mall I had taken a picture with him.. I grabbed my phone from the desk next to my desk opening my photos app. I went to the picture where I was looking to the side with a frown while he had that smile that drove me crazy..

I just.. I just wanna.. why do I feel like this- just then I heard the door open causing me to turn my phone off. My dad sat down on the edge of my bed, "hey, sorry about your mom" he said putting one of his hands on my shoulder as I was hugging my legs leaning on my bed frame. "It's fine" I replied shrugging.

"I know Pip is more than a friend to you" he said with a grin. I tensed up looking at him with knitted eyebrows, I sighed hugging myself tighter. "Damien, I won't judge you.. I know your mother doesn't like two boys being together but I can listen if you wanna say something" I felt my face soften hearing that I could actually talk to someone other than Pip.

"Fine- look, I.. I met Pip like a few days ago but every time I see him- I don't know I just wanna hug him, kiss him, do something other than just stare.. I wanna touch him, I wanna like- I don't know dad.. and the worst part is he might like another girl, and there's nothing I can do about it, and every time he looks at her with those eyes I wish I was in her place.. earlier today he was so close.. I wanted him to do more than just kiss me on my nose.. but that'd be too far, right? too fast- I should slow down, shouldn't I?.. dad, it's killing me! Which is weird because I can't die but still"

I quickly explained throwing my arms around, making a bunch of different expression, and my voice changing from time to time. I watched my dad listening to me closely trying to keep us with everything I said. He nodded the whole time as he kept watching my arms move around non stop. I thought I said too much when he stayed quiet just looking at me blankly.

"Dad?" I tilted my head trying to get at least one reaction. "Okay- uh.. first off, you seem to really like him.. also- even if he does like that girl there's a high chance he also likes you, probably more. I don't think a 'friend' would just look at you like that and kiss you right after meeting you. last thing- you probably wanna go on a few dates, confess your feelings, before doing anything else, okay?"

He suggested before pulling out the tiny phone showing me the picture of Pip kissing me on my nose. "You still have that!?" I exclaimed with widened eyes about to snatch the phone before he moved it away. "Yes, and I'm keeping it now that I know how you really feel about him" he laughed watching me turn red almost like him.

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