Gracie Evans

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Hello, my name is Gracie Evans and I'm the hottest girl in School. I made mistakes in the past trying to find 'the one' for me, but I knew who I really loved when he first arrived at my school. Will Solace, this one's for you.

He has the hottest surfer's tan that never fades, and his fluffy blonde hair was practically a mop over his head. How many times I yearned to touch it, I couldn't count. But, unfortunately, he never really noticed me. I wondered why.

To cover up emotional scars from my past, I always wore so much makeup to make myself look prettier. Therapy didn't have shit on me, so I had to recover somehow. Fake lashes and faux nails seemed to be the only things to prove I was beautiful, since my parents weren't in the right place to tell me that.

Short clothes were all I knew in high school. Being the center of attention was my deepest desire, so eyes were always on me. Not always in a good way, though.

My hair was a luscious shade of chestnut brown, which was rare in our school. My smile was whiter than a winter wonderland, all because my grandparents believed I needed to look special. Teeth whitening strips came in the mail every Sunday for that sole reason.

Anyways, everything I did was all for his attention. He never even looked my way, and I was going to find out why. Thousands of words spouted from his mouth, but none were directed for me.

HIs confidence was astronomical, causing girls to sweat and tremble within five feet of him. That effect sent me a message saying he was obviously single. If not, that boy was nothing but a dirty cheater.

"Hey, cutie," I purred while walking up to him at his locker before class. The boys' lockers were across the hall from the girls', so other guys stood around him. My childhood friend stared at me disgustedly, the same way he did whenever we met eyes.

Will held this warm smile that melted me like a snowman in the summer. The sensation felt like millions of stars shining, all coating his beautiful teeth. "Oh, you're not Nico. Do I know you?"

His smile faded all too soon. What I would give to see that smile directed for me again.

I shook my head steadily. "My mistake. I haven't properly introduced myself. My name's Gracie. Gracie Evans."

He outstretched his hand to shake mine, but instead I caressed his shoulder. "No need to be so formal. I've seen you all around school before."

Shock wiped across his face as I bit my lip. Will took a step back in disgust, copying the expression my friend wore. "I'm really sorry, Gracie, but I don't know who you are. I haven't seen you around."

"I already told you," I frowned, pouting my lips. "I'm Gracie Evans, the hottest girl in school. And you're the hottest boy, Will Solace."

"Oh, am I?" He asked sarcastically, a smirk emerging on his lips.

I nodded proudly. "And the hottest guy and the hottest girl should always be together, if you know what I mean."

"I'm sorry, Gracie," Will took yet another step away from me with his books stacked in his hands. "I'm taken."

"By who?" I grumbled, glaring right through him. Guys around him held their fists in front of their mouths to hide malicious smirks and laughed at my dismay. "I have lots of connections. I can arrange for them to break up with you, so you and I can finally be together."

Will's brow raised in bewilderment. "What? No! You've never seen this person before. Count on it. I love my partner."

Progressively, my walls were breaking down as I confessed. After weeks of fantasizing our love together, he wasn't truly the soulmate I yearned for. "I don't care," I sputtered, inching towards him and attempting to take his hand in mine.

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