7. Baby Shot

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"Nonononono!" She wailed. 

"Honey, it's going to be alright. It's just one, not more." Said Dragon, trying to reassure the little one. 

Lia never enjoyed doctor check-ups, especially when it came to needles. She was scared for life to be anywhere near them. 

"Oh, poor Lia. Shots are not so bad if you think about them." Ivankov reassured. 

Little sniffles from the young one made her whimper as she buried her face in Dragon's chest. The revolutionist glared at Ivankov and didn't want to make things worse. 

"I'm trying to comfort her; this is her first time doing this." He mumbled. 

"Well, I don't think she's enjoying it." Said Ivankov. 

"You don't say." He sarcastically replied. 

Lia was trying to crawl away since she was a spider and a pretty fast one. Dragon manages to catch up to her before leaving out of the room. He reached the infirmary room to find a doctor to give her a shot. 

It was challenging.

Lia was trying to escape using her web attack to flee, but Dragon and the doctor prevented her from leaving. 

"Daddy, no!" She whimpered. Clinging onto him, which caught the revolutionist off guard. 

Lia called him "daddy" and begged him not to get a shot. 

"Just hold onto me, and you'll be alright," He whispered. 

She obeyed as the doctor implanted the needled in her leg as placed a bandaid on it. After it was done, Lia refused to let go of Dragon. He had to return to work, and putting her down was difficult. She would scream and cry, and he sighed. 

"Lia..." He said in a soft tone. "...Daddy needs to go back to work." 

She shook her head. 

Kuma entered the room to see Dragon, but also Lia. He couldn't help to witness the scenery of Dragon trying to break out of Lia's grip. 

"Having trouble, Dragon?" Kuma asked. 

A sigh from the revolutionist as he stood back on his feet, carrying the girl in his arms. She was nuzzling her face against his chest, slightly trembling. 

"I might be dealing with someone not wanting to leave out of my grip." He said, glancing down at Lia. 

Kuma thought about it for a moment. 

"Did you give her a reward?" Kuma asked. 

"Reward?" Dragon tilted his head to the side, staring up at the cyborg. 

"Yes, like something she can have to calm her down. It might help." Kuma replied.

"Like what? I don't want to give her anything too sweet." Said Dragon. 

"Sweets are something for younger children to enjoy, but she could at least have a try. Perhaps you have candy, cake, ice cream, or something in mind. What does she like?" Kuma asked. 


"You never fed her ice cream? Dragon, how could you?" Kuma sighed disappointingly. 

"I wasn't going to give her any sweets, only to focus on her nutrition," Dragon remarked. 

"Fair. Yet, at least let her have something to enjoy after that traumatizing incident." Said Kuma.

They went to the dining area, and the reveres enjoyed their dinner. Dragon went to sit with his friends while Kuma went to get a treat just for Lia.

"Hi, Dragon-San! Hi Lia!" Sabo greeted. 

Dragon sits between Sabo and Ivankov while holding Lia in his arms. Robin was seated next to Koala after she departed from her crewmates; the revolutionaries came to bring her to Baltigo.

Sabo's smile went away to see Lia looking desperate. 

"What's wrong with Lia?" He asked. 

"She's still unhappy about the shot she was given today," Ivankov answered for Dragon, only to receive a glare from him. 

"Kuma's going to get a treat to calm her down, hopefully," What was the shot for? Gon said. He looked at the curly blond hair boy asking, "Would you mind holding her?" 

"Sure, Dragon-San." Said Sabo. 

Dragon passed Lia over to Sabo as he sighed. He needed a break from her after being clung to the whole day. Lia looked at Sabo as she rested her head on his shoulder. 

When Kuma returned holding an ice cream cone with two scoops of strawberry and vanilla decorated with strawberry slices and sprinkles.

"Here we are." Said Kuma.

Dragon takes a good look at the ice cream as he slightly frowns. 

"Too much." 

"She doesn't have to eat it all. It's for you too." Said Kuma. 

Ivankov grinned. 

"How nice, Kuma." He said. 

Sabo reached to take the ice cream cone and said, "Lia, look what I have." He got the girl's attention as she turned to look down at the ice cream that Sabo was holding. "It's for you. You wanna bite?" 

"Does she even have teeth?" Koala asked.

"A few are coming in, but I am pretty sure that's going to be something else to worry about," Dragon replied as he watched the little spider girl stare at the ice cream. 

Lia took one bite from it as her eyes popped out of her head. She was amazed by how good it tasted as she wrapped around small hands in the ice cream. 

"Lia, wait! Lia! AH! Stop!" Sabo cackled. 

"She's enjoying it now." Robin chuckled. 

A faint smile appeared on Dragon's face, but he didn't let anyone else see it. At least Lia wasn't upset about the shot anymore and devoured the ice cream. She later bathed and wore nice pajamas, spending quality time with the other reveres. 

"What are you doing?" He asked, the little girl crawling everywhere on him like a spider.

Lia is wrapped around the male's muscular arm, making her look like a sloth as she giggles underneath him.

Robin noticed how he watched her movement around him as she spoke up, "Lia is wrapping her arms around you because that's a sign of comfort, and she finds it more useful for herself to wrap her arms around in that pose. That's good exercise for her muscles like she's a sloth."

Dragon did listen to the woman's explanation before watching Lia unwrap herself and still hold on, only to crawl onto his shoulder, hugging his head.

"She's a crawler to keep watch off at all times," Dragon commented.

He pats the girl's head, making her smile as she nuzzles against him. 

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