• Prologue •

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On a late night in the bustling metropolis of Seoul, the usually busy streets are desolate and unnervingly quiet, as if the city itself is holding its breath in anticipation of something momentous. Standing alone amidst the silence, a single 7-Eleven gas station serves as a beacon, its vibrant neon lights casting a warm glow of red, green, and orange upon the surrounding darkness.

Inside, a young, brown-haired woman browses the shelves, her eyes taking in the vast array of various flavored chips that line the aisle. She holds a bag from two different brands in each hand, weighing her options carefully. Her eyebrows furrow in deep concentration as she faces the unexpectedly challenging decision. With cat-like eyes, she fiercely stares down each bag, as if trying to burn a hole through them with her gaze alone.

After a moment of internal struggle, the girl sighs at her indecisiveness and tosses both bags into the red basket hanging on the crook of her elbow. She chastises herself silently for her weakness for snacks, before continuing towards another aisle. Upon reaching the cookies section, she crouches down, now faced with yet another difficult decision.

Suddenly, the doorbell chimes as somebody walks into the store. The girl's curiosity piques, and she peeks around the shelf to observe a hooded figure entering and standing in front of the counter.

The cashier, a woman who appears to be in her mid-forties, is scrolling through her phone, seemingly uninterested in her job. She doesn't notice the new presence for a while, only looking up after hearing an impatient cough.

"Can I help you?" she questions blandly, her attention quickly returning to the device in her hands.

The indecisive girl overhears the mysterious customer scoff and briefly glances back at the array of cookies on the shelf in front of her. She considers if chocolate chips are the way to go.

Then, the unmistakable sound of a gun being cocked pierces the air. The girl's head snaps toward the scene unfolding at the front, her heart rate picking up in response. The cashier's demeanor changes in an instant, her eyes wide with fear as she stares at the weapon.

"I want all the money in the safe," a man's voice demands, gesturing behind the woman with his head. He keeps the weapon aimed at her, scrutinizing her every move. His face is concealed by a black mask, leaving only his eyes visible.

The cashier nods frantically, her intent to comply evident. She trembles in fear as she turns to the safe, her hands shaking as she spins the dial. Her nervousness causes her to fumble the combination a few times, prompting the man to growl in impatience.

"Hurry up, woman! I don't have all day," he yells, tapping his foot anxiously. He glances out the windows to check for any signs of police intervention, momentarily relieved by the darkness outside.

Suddenly, he hears a thud behind him, causing him to flinch. He spins around with his gun raised, only to be met with a fiery red gaze that the entire city knows very well.


She wears her iconic black suit, the surface reminiscent of dragon scales. Orange, vein-like lines run up her torso, arms, and legs, pulsating with the energy of the sun. Her hair is its signature radiant red-orange color, appearing almost as if it were a living flame. A ring of fire adorns her chest, glowing similarly to the other accents of the suit.

With a friendly smile, she waves at the man. "Hey there, buddy! So here's the thing, today was going to be my day off-"

Her sentence is abruptly cut off by the sound of a gunshot. The bullet seems to slow in the air before coming to a complete stop, hovering motionless between the pair. Sear looks at the man with wide eyes, disbelief etched across her face.

"Did you just shoot at me? I haven't even done anything!" she complains, holding her hands up in a display of innocence. "I was going to let you go!"

The man appears both frustrated and perplexed by the turn of events, yet somehow, he remains unbothered by the superhuman display of power. Keeping his gun trained on the hero, his confidence remains unwavering. "Don't try anything, or I'll shoot again!"

Sear gives the man an incredulous look. Despite all indications that he should stand down, he shows no signs of relenting. The girl lets out a frustrated sigh, squeezing the bridge of her nose.

"I just wanted to go home..." she mutters, extending her other hand in front of her.

The gun suddenly levitates from the criminal's hands into Sear's own, eliciting protests from the man. Upon making contact with the hero's glove, the weapon melts, falling to the floor as a puddle of magma. Once it reaches the ground, it hardens into black rock, with the suspended bullet falling shortly after. The hero approaches the man, melting the bullet with her foot as she does so.

The man finally begins to show signs of fear, backing up slightly. Sear grabs his arm, pulling him with her as she exits the store. At first, he doesn't resist, but the brief moment of compliance vanishes as they step into the cool night breeze.

"Let me go!" the criminal bellows, trying to shake off the hero's grip. She releases him, staring at him with an annoyed expression.

"Give me your phone," she says, holding her hand out. The criminal hesitates for a moment but decides to comply after being intimidated by the hero's sharp gaze. Upon receiving the device, she dials a number and holds the phone to her ear.

"What are you doing?" the man asks sharply, now more confused than afraid. The girl shoots him an exasperated look but answers his question anyway.

"I'm calling the police," she declares, perking up as the phone connects. "Hello! I'd like to...um...report a robbery at the gas station?" The girl explains awkwardly, not used to calling the authorities. She usually drops off criminals directly, but she is too tired today.

"What! No, they'll arrest me!" he protests, trying to snatch the phone back. The girl turns her body away to keep her phone out of his reach.

"That's the point," Sear sighs, listening to the dispatcher's instructions over the phone. "Perfect, thank you!" she says happily, finally hanging up the call and returning the man his phone.

"They're coming to pick you up. Do you think you could wait here alone, or do I have to wait with you?" The girl asks hopefully but sighs at the criminal's angry expression. She walks over to a nearby bench and sits down, staring blankly into the distance.

The man, frustrated by the hero's interference, decides to walk away. A fiery wisp narrowly rushes by his head, almost singeing him. He yelps and turns around to see Sear shaking her head in disapproval, patting the seat next to her. The man grumbles various complaints, reluctantly obeying the hero's wishes.

After a few moments, the police finally arrive. They appear shocked to see Sear present, likely because she had neglected to mention that detail during the earlier phone call. While detaining the criminal and speaking to the cashier for testimony, an officer approaches the girl.

"Um, hello! You're totally free to go if you're busy with... you know..." the officer trails off, prompting the girl's eyes to light up.

"Oh, thank you! Yeah, super busy, so I'll just... get going," she says, turning to leave. After waving goodbye to the officers, she blasts into the sky, her only goals being to enjoy some snacks and finally catch up on the drama she's been watching.

Inside the store, a red basket full of snacks lays abandoned next to the cookies.

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